Chapter Twenty One - Too Busy To Get In Trouble

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“Hey that rhymes!” John Green pointed out.

I stood there my mouth open and eyes wide. How the hell did they know which school I went to? It was very mysterious.

“How? How did you?” I stammered not trusting myself to speak.

“How did we know which school you went to?” Jo finished for me.

“Uh, yeah.” I nodded.

“Well once I read the book I new Jo here would like it so I sent her the link, she read it, and told me it was brilliant so we made contact but before that we researched you.” John explained.

“Researched me?” I repeated,

“Yeah. You know Facebook. Instagram etc.” John replied looking at me skeptically.

I stood there completely still and quite embarrassed.

“Right.” Was all I could say.

John Green looked at Jo and she sighed.

“Well.” Jo said a bit loudly, clapping her hands together. “Shall we get on with it?”

“Get on with what?” I asked.

The author of Harry Potter looked at me disappointedly.

“Oh, right!” I blurted.

My legs finally started working and I perched on a table opposite them.

“So. We were thinking for your book we wouldn’t advertise it much but we would make people notice it.” I listened intently as Jo explained her and John’s ideas for my book.

I actually couldn’t believe it.

I walked back into class. And everyone stared at me. I shrugged.

“Too busy to get into trouble.”

My friends laugh as I sat down because they got what I was talking about. Everyone else just glared at me. The room went into total silence and I thought I heard a cricket out the window and the sound of wind. Na just kidding. I picked up the paint brush splattered with light blue and finished painting my bird box. I put the paintbrush down and looked at my handiwork. I hmphed in satisfaction and laid it back on the table.

PE next oh the joy! Janet and I walked slowly to the changing rooms laughing about Saturday night.

“You weren’t actually going to do that were you?” I asked her raising an eyebrow.

She looked at me disappointed,

“I thought so, I mean, you might be pretty evil sometimes but not that evil.” She thumped me in the arm.

“Ow!” I screeched. “Violence!”

She shrugged and a mischievous smile darkened her face. She poked me and pointed.

“Look who’s over there!”

I turned my head and my cheeks reddened.

“Somebody who spilt their drink all over them!” I replied and we burst out laughing.

People who walked past us glared at us as we laughed and that made me laugh harder. Weren’t we a sight to see?! We managed to keep a straight face as we entered the changing rooms.

“Guess who’s class I was just in?!” Kaci giggled.

I rolled my eyes. I’d just been through this with Janet! I heard a giggle behind me. Janet.

We made it onto the rounder’s pitch with a fairly straight face but I knew there would be something that would make us laugh. The lesson went by fairly smooth with a few exceptions but otherwise smoothly. I was, for some reason, psyched after that lesson and I needed to get rid of the energy. But it wouldn’t go! I ran all the way back to the changing rooms with Kaci and Janet but that didn’t help. I guess I would just be hyper. We were all changed and it was break. Steve yanked me out the changing rooms and out the building to wait for people with her. I didn’t even have a choice. Just like when I joined the cult, it was stay or fuck off. Well that’s how Steve put it anyway. Well coming to think of it she didn’t actually let me choose she just kind of dragged me into it, just like she dragged me out the building.

My friends Kat, Izzy and Ems came out and I went to walk with htem but Steve held me back.

“Steve!” I yelped.

“No.” she answered.

Izzy and Ems smiled and nodded as if to ay its ok go with her but Kat was having none of that.

“If she wants to come with us let her!” Kat argued.

“No.” Steve replied.

Steve let me go to argue with Kat and then Kaci came out with Kassandra and Tessa. Kassie raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded. Steve and Kat were still arguing. Ems and Izzy had gone and I was left with them. I decided to sneak off with Kassandra, Tessa and Kaci. Let them fight it doesn’t matter. We heard Steve’s ‘hey you guys wait up’ and walked even faster. 

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