Chapter Twenty Five - Pillows In Faces

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It had been 3 weeks since the two authors first approached me with the idea of publishing my book and nearly everything was ready. We had found an editor who was willing to keep it a secret and the cover was perfect! I had asked Kassandra to help with the cover and we had it looking amazing! The title had been edited so instead of Taken Apart it was now Ripped Apart. The blurb still needed some work but I thought it was ok.

A girl and a boy. Both the same age but from different parts of the world. Shai from England and Sebastian from New York. One day their lives were normal then the Gods called out and they were ripped from their childhood homes. Two people, two personalities, two sides can Shai and Sebastian put their differences aside and be willing to sacrifice everything to save their world and the world of the Gods?

My book was about two kids from different parts of the world putting their differences aside to save the immortal race of Gods from killing themselves. But when they first meet they hate each other. Shai finds she can control fire and water and Sebastian finds he can control the earth and air. Two sets of conflicting elements. What could go wrong?

“You ready to see it?” Jo asked me.

We were meeting the editor in London because he had called John and told him they were finished. I was slightly nervous.

“I guess.” I said nervously.

“Then let’s go in.” John said a little too enthusiastically.

My heart was racing. I really wanted to see the book but I didn’t want to. It was killing me.  John held the door open for Jo and I and we walked in. the editors secretary met us in the lobby and took us up to his office. She told us to wait so we sat in the chairs and waited patiently. The door opened and I swiveled around expecting to see the secretary but it wasn’t her. A woman with dark blonde hair and striking green eyes came into the room. She had her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail and she looked very business-like in her white shirt and black pencil skirt. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked over and sat behind the desk.

“My name is Elizabeth Daniels.” She introduced herself professionally, “And you must be Gwen.”

I looked at her shyly before shaking her hand.

“Jo here has told me a lot about you and this book.” She said tapping the bundle of paper that sat in front of her on her desk.

“She has?” I replied automatically.

“Yes and can I just say your book is really excellent quality. We had to change only the slightest things and your use of vocabulary is extraordinary.” She complimented.

I blushed and thanked her. Nobody had said my vocab was extraordinary before.

“You’ll be glad to know I think it’s ready to be put out into the world.” She informed.


“Have you got any ideas for a blurb?” she asked.

My mouth didn’t seem to be working even though my brain was shouting at it. Eventually John answered for me.

“Yes, but we think it needs some work.”

“Ah, may I have a look at it?” she requested holding a hand out for it.

I reached into my bag and pulled out the various sheets of paper I was told to bring. One titled blurb stood out and I handed it to Elizabeth.

She studied it quite thoroughly before handing it back.

“Yes, I agree. It does look good but it needs to be tweaked slightly. After reading the book-“

“You’ve read the book?” I blurted cutting her off.

“Yes, as an editor it would help if you read the book you’re trying to edit.” She replied before carrying on.

“I think instead of starting with a girl and a boy you should change it to two people, a girl from England and a boy from America. Then say what happened and then two people, two personalities, two identities. Can they work together to save the Gods and restore piece. Shai and Sebastian will have to overcome the vilest of emotions. Hate.” She explained scribbling ideas on the paper. That did sound better.

One hour later we climbed in a taxi and were on our way back to the hotel.

“Well I think that went quite well.” John smiled.

At least it wasn’t sarcasm.

“Now you and your friends can go and explore London. Have you got the money we gave you?” Jo asked and I patted my pocket.

The authors had said I could bring some friends down so I asked Janet, Isabelle, Steve, Kaci and Kassandra to come. They were probably having a pillow fight or something. The hotel we were staying in was quite fancy and very exciting. The night before we had sneaked out and had gone exploring. We made sure we weren’t caught. And we scared the hell out of one of the employees but they never figured out it was us.

Today we were going to outside.

I was kind of dreading it in case someone got lost and oh gosh! Stop thinking of the bad things! I got out the taxi as we arrived at the hotel and took the stairs two at a time. I got to my room and opened the door. They were having a pillow fight! And without me!

Steve had stopped mid swing and the pillow flopped in her arms as she was about to hit Janet, Janet had her arms up to protect her but was staring at me standing in the doorway, Isabelle was sitting on the chest of drawers protectively and Kassandra was sat well away from them reading Every Day by David Levithan. She was probably trying to avoid all the chaos.

“Think fast!” Steve shouted and threw the pillow she was holding at me.

I caught it and threw it at Isabelle. It hit her and she yelped.

“Where’s Kaci?” I asked.

The bathroom door opened and Kaci came out it. She smiled at me before Steve threw a pillow at her face.

“Watch it!” Kaci yelled but Steve was enjoying herself too much.

I joined the fun and soon enough Janet, Kaci, Steve and I were having a proper pillow fight. Izzy was watching from a safe distance and Kassandra had migrated to her bedroom when Steve had thrown a pillow at her face. What was it with Steve and throwing pillows at people’s faces?

Janet perched on the back of the sofa and we all took a breather.

“I never knew coming to London for a week would be this fun.” She said in between breaths.

We were all pretty much out of breath. Suddenly Steve threw a pillow at Janet and with a muffled scream she fell back onto the sofa.

I laughed my head off at her misfortune.

“Are you alright Janet?” I asked when I calmed down a little.

A thumbs up came from behind the sofa. I threw my pillow at Steve then,

“That wasn’t very nice it was time out!” I yelled.

Steve just shrugged.

“Never doubt the Steve.” She chucked me my pillow and I stood up.

“Never doubt the Steve ay?” I replied.

And we were off again.

Hi guys! How are you all? This book will be over in the next three chapters! I'm so SORRY! I just I really need to pay attention to my fan fics! But! ... I will be writing the book that Gwen wrote and got published in this one! (If that made sense) so I guess in a away it'll be the second in the series? I guess. So, keep reading/voting and don't forget to comment! 

With Love! Lady_Greenleaf_ xxxxxxxxx 

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