Chapter Twenty Eight - Friends

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School life was to be expected. Nobody knew I was an author, a famous author. John Green had told me my books had sold quicker than they’d expected and books shops everywhere were ordering them in. my life was great. The people at school however were not.

Someone had spilled the beans about me and Nathan, Nathan and I. apparently we were a ‘thing’ now and everyone wanted us to go out. Boyfriend girlfriend, girlfriend boyfriend.

“Fuck off you bastard.” I swore as someone mocked me.

“Ooh stressy.”

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” I snarled and they shut up.

The mocking grin wiped off their face. I moved through the school quicker than usual to escape the childish grins and mocking glares. I stormed up to Nathan.

“I’d like a word please.” I asked politely. “Now.”

He came without a word.

“Did you do this?” I asked severely.

“Do what?” he replied innocently.

“Don’t act so innocent with me! You know exactly what!” I screamed.

He shrugged at me and looked blank.

“Oh you bastard! Did you tell everyone about our little thing?” I asked slightly insulting.

He looked at me shocked.

“No, no Gwen you have to believe me I didn’t!” he objected.

“Don’t you dare lie to me!”

“Gwen calm down-“

“No! no I will not calm down! How do you expect me to calm down when the whole school is shoving their face in my face?!” I yelled.

How dare he?

“My life was perfect before. I had my little crush or whatever, then we you know. And now I’m over it I’m over you! But no you had to go and make it worse!” I added, still yelling and close to tears.

“You plagued my life for three fucking years and then you go and make it worse by kissing me. You screwed up my life Nathan don’t you dare forget it.” I threatened.

After that I walked away.

“Gwen wait!” he called out.

He tapped my shoulder but I kept walking.

“Gwen I’m-“

“No! Don’t you dare! Why would you even try to apologize to me after what you’ve done!” I yelled.

A single tear fell down my cheek as I turned around to face him. Nathan looked completely shocked and he actually looked like… he was sorry for me. Another tear threatened to fall but I wiped it away.

“Gwen. You listen to me now. I kissed you because I thought it would make our lives easier, but I was wrong. It made it harder for me to be near you.” he told me truthfully.

I frowned.

 “Every time I look at you, at your eyes, I see the stars.” He complimented.

I blushed and sniffed.

“Gwen I don’t know what I’d do without you.” he said coming to me.

I let him put his hands on my shoulders. Our faces were inches apart.

“Nathan I. I don’t know what to say.” I admitted still blushing.

“Don’t say anything just.” And he started to lean in.



“No Nathan.”

“But I thought?”

“I said no.” I snapped pulling away.

He stood there kind of awkwardly as he stared at me. Nathan sorted himself out and then smiled.

“Friends?” he asked holding his arms wide.

“Friends.” I agreed.

I let him hug me and it was actually kind of nice. I rested my head on his chest and felt his heartbeat. My eyes were swelling with tears now and I just let them run. They spilled down my cheek and dropped onto his shirt.

“You’re still a lying git though.” I sobbed slightly laughing.

“I know.” He laughed.

“What were you doing with him?” Ems demanded. “We saw you hugging him.”

We were walking to Course 42 and Emilia was trying to find it out.

“That’s what friends do don’t they?” I asked back.

She scowled at me.

“So you’re friends now?” she queried.

“Friends.” I confirmed.

She nodded and we walked into class. That’s when I stopped. John and Jo were standing there, probably waiting for me.

“Emilia I gotta go.” I told her.

She nodded and I headed towards the two authors.

“What are you doing here?” I asked quietly.

They looked at each other.

“We need to talk to you.” Jo admitted gesturing into the art room.

So I'm only doing two more chapters. But there will be an epilogue so don't worry. The good news is after I've finished this one the book Gwen wrote, Ripped Apart, will be posted one day after! So I bet you'll be looking forward to that! It'll be some of my best work ever! Keep reading/voting and I hope you enjoy the final chapters of Love and Hate!

With Love! Lady_Greenleaf_ xxxxxxxxx

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