Part 1 : Prologue, Begining of a new life

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Hey guys! I woke up with that idea and I needed to write it down. Hope you enjoy!


(Y/N) point of view

I didn't understand why it happened, but here I was, standing in front of the grave. Even if I never liked that old hag, she took care of me, when your parents decided that I wasn't worthy of their love. The life in the orphanage wasn't really the greatest of them all but at least, I had food and a roof. I never got along with the other kids. When they tried to talk to me, I always gave them a murderous look. Even when adults came to adopt me, I was still acting like a lifeless puppet, never answering any questions, never showing any emotions. It was only in my passion that I could find the strength to live. Manga were everything to me. There wasn't a lot of them back in my so-called house, but each time I read one, all my problems seems to vanish. That was kind of weird to feel for fictional people rather than real people, but I found this OK. They were way more interesting than normal people. It might be for that that normal people always gave me those weird look, wondering how could I feel for fiction. Still, I always had emotions for real persons, but they never saw them. Nobody noticed the sadness in my eyes when I was looking at that grave.

"We're going to close, miss!"

The voice of the employee pulled me back to reality. Time to leave my old life behind. When I walked passed the metallic doors, they closed behind me, leaving me in the streets. I was only greeted by the cold wind and the grey sky. As I walked in the streets, people passed by me, always rushing, running away from their dark thoughts by drowning in their daily life. I continued walking, passing the streets. I finally exit the city, walking without any objectives left. The countryside was peaceful compared to my hometown.

A little light stops my track. As I raised my head, I faced a birdy looking thing, who was really close to my face. Maybe the cold managed to freeze my brain. I didn't know why I decided to chase after it. I ran behind the strange light creature, and reached a clearing, where a lot of those were. I approached them. I was like they were waiting for me. When I almost reached the group, a blinding light surrounded me, and my mind fell into darkness.


I know it's short, but it's not the interesting part, isn't it? Next will be bigger 😉

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