Part 2 : Welcome to Nestrea Kingdom

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I'm hopelessly in love with FF15. It's probably my favourite city even if it can be a freaking labyrinth.

Anyway, there is your part 2. We're finally going to talk about what interest us. Hope you enjoy ^^ . (I forgot to precise, but English is not my mother tong. Sorry if I do some mistakes.)


Sinbad's point of view

It's been a while since I last came to Nestrea Kingdom. Last time the negotiation to make them join the Seven Seas alliance failed. But it seems that they decided to finally reopen the talk between our respective kingdoms. This time I must be careful. Failure is not an option. Political situations have gone worst since I last came. If I can't make them join my side, they might join Kou, and it won't be a good thing.

"Sin, we're almost there."

Ja'far's voice brought me back to reality. I asked him to accompany me alongside with Sharrkan. Reaching the foreign kingdom will be the most interesting part of all my journey in Nestrea. The local architecture is really impressive.

"Just look at you. You're like a kid in front of a toy shop."

I pouted at Sharrkan and his mocking smile. How am I supposed to stay in place, when I finally have the occasion to go on an adventure (and maybe running away from paperwork).

The boat passed the gates of the city, allowing us to reach the dock. We were greeted by the same old general, who forced us to leave last time. Not really a good memory...

"King Sinbad, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"The pleasure is all mine. Having the occasion to go back to Nestrea is always pleasant."

The knight bows before me to show the respect he retrieves me last time.

"Please follow me. The King is waiting for you"

We followed him down the streets to the palace. I could sense the excitement of Sharrkan. It was the first time he ever came to Nestrea. I wonder who's the kid now. Ja'far kept his calm composure. I'm starting to get a bit nervous. Nestrean King is not a patient man and if he doesn't get what he wants, it might end bad. We reached the castle and the general opened the gates for us. As we walked down the halls to the thrown room, we could sense eyes on us. Especially the eyes of the Nestrean princesses. I could recognise three of them: Rosè, Nathalia and Clarisse. At least the fourth one wasn't there. Being good with women doesn't mean you like their attitude, especially the one of Melody. I never could appreciate that girl, but it seems that I'll have to deal with it. We reached the thrown room where the King awaited us. By his side I could recognise his two sons, dungeon capturers like me. All the children of the king were dungeon capturers, making this country hard to threaten.

"Welcome back, King Sinbad."

I bowed in front of the Nestrean King. Even when you don't like people, sometimes you don't really have the choice.

"It's always a great pleasure to visit your kingdom your highness."

"Let's skip formalities. We have matter to discuss. Please follow me."

Rosè's point of view

Rosè is Melody little sister. And she can hear reader voices and other creepy stuff. So be careful. You don't want to break this poor little girl's innocence. At least if she has any left.

Hello to you people of the voices. I'm Rosè, and today, I was hiding behind a pillar, watching the stupid girls I must call 'sister'. They were all giggling like idiots while watching the purple haired man that came last time. I wonder where's Melody, she has a huge crush on him. She's not even trying to hide it. The first time he came, she passed her day trying to flirt with him, and he was uncomfortable because of it...

When I think about it, nobody likes Melody. She's always looking down on people. Today purple man came to talk with father about something important. Something 'for adults' like they said. But thanks to you voices, I've learnt a lot and I know where I can go to listen to those 'adults'.

Sinbad's point of view

I sat down in front of the King. Negotiations starts.

"First of all, King Sinbad, I've reconsider my decision. But I have a condition before joining the Seven Seas alliance."

"Every thing came with a prince. What is your condition?"

"You'll have to marry one of my daughters."


Because our dear King needs a freaking good reason to get married.

I'm going to be so evil with then, it makes me smile like the joker.

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