Part 9 : A little victimization never killed anybody

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Mew, mew, mew, mew, mew!

Yep, reader-chan is a gamer, and an otaku.


(Y/N)' point of view

I was locked in my room, because of a certain man, that won't let me be free. After the Marhajan, I wanted to go out in the streets once again, but because of what happened during it, Sinbad didn't allow me to. I told him to give me back my metal vessels, but he didn't want to. I insisted a lot and I managed to get a 'I'll think about it'. It's better than nothing but not what I wanted. So I tried to run away, but every time, Sinbad cached me, threw me over his shoulder and get me back to the palace. I didn't even have the right to see Kjell. Since the kidnapping failure, she started to live with us and worked for me as my personal maid. It was her idea, so I let her do whatever she wanted.

So today, Sinbad locked me in my room, because he had important things to do and didn't wanted to have to chase after me again. To bad for him, I'm not here to make his life easy. Even if the door is locked, I can still manage to find something that could break the window. But that would make noise and alert some people. Maybe I can manage to open the door.

*click* *click* *click* *sound of an unlicking door*

Speaking of the door, it opened, revealing my wonderful saviour.

"Freedom is calling for you, my queen."

"You know what? One day I'll marry you."

Kjell only smiled at me. I was glad to have her as my ally. Having a thief as a friend have his advantages. She only made me sign to not make any noise. I wonder what will happen to us if we get caught. And strangely, I don't want to find out. We sneaked in the hallways, hiding from the guards and servants.

When we passed in front of Sinbad's door office, I stopped because I could hear an angry Ja'far yelling at him. He really needs to relax a bit. The door was opened, allowing me to hear the conversation.

"Sin! Do I have to remind you that you're married now?! What (Y/N) would say if she learns about this?!"

"It's Ok Ja'far, she'll never know about this. And it was only flirting!"

Ja'far was pissed again. He came closer to Sinbad's desk and slammed his fists on it.

"You being unable to behave yourself doesn't mean that you have to make (Y/N) suffer!"

"Flip the table."

That's what I said to Ja'far, who turned around.

"(Y/N) How did you get here?"

I didn't answer Sinbad's question. I closed the door, and Kjell had already disappeared. Never trust your allies to much. So I ran away.


I could hear Sinbad yelling and star chasing me. I rushed down the halls and stairs, being careful to not fall. I passed Sharrkan and Yamuraiha, that were arguing again.

"Hey guys!"

They turned around and followed me with their eyes, and noticed Sinbad running behind me. I could also hear other footsteps.


Well, I hoped that Ja'far would catch Sinbad before he cached me. I managed to exit the palace, but my track was stopped by a black-haired man, floating in the air, that decided to land in front of me.

"Oh? Who are you?"

"(Y/N), get away from him."

Sinbad's voice sounded way angrier that I could have heard.

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