Part 10 : Trust

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Hella! Back for some more! Sorry for late update! I got absorbed by my new video game...


(Y/N)'s point of view

Judal left this morning, and I was bored. Now that I didn't have to take care of him, I didn't know what to do with my life anymore. I could try to leave once again, now that I had one of my metal vessels back, but I'll prefer having them all with me before leaving.

So now, I was wondering around the palace, like I always do when I was bored. Maybe I should walk in the forest instead. I spun around and headed straight to the said forest.

It's a peaceful place. The only thing that can break the silence is the wind passing through the leaves and the birds singing.

I stopped my track when spotted Masrur, sleeping quietly on the grass, under a tree. There was a lot of strange birds on that tree.

I sat down by his side, enjoying the warm breath of the wind. It transported the smell of the near sea. I spread my arms, and shut open my eyes when I felt a weigh on them. One of those birds decided that I was a good spot for landing. Confusion was probably the only think you could have seen on my face. I moved my arm a little, but the bird didn't leave. I shook it a little more, but it was like he was glue on my arm.

"He won't leave."

Masrur's voice scared me a little.

"Sorry if I woke you up."

"You didn't."

"Oh, glad to hear it."

Another bird landed on my arm, an another on my head. A few other joined them as well. I became a scarecrow.


Ja'far came running toward us.

"Ah! (Y/N) I was searching for you- And why are all those papagoras birds on you like that?"

"They like me."

"Well, I'm sorry but you'll have to leave them. Sinbad wants to talk to you.

"But I'm the chosen one!"

"I'm just following the orders. I apologies, but I really need you to go see him."

"Can't be helped."

I put the birds on Masrur's arms, and one on Ja'far's head.

"Be their chosen one instead of me. I shall give you this mission."

I left a dumbfounded Ja'far in the forest, and a new scare crow for papagoras birds named Masrur with him.

Making my way back to the castle, I was wondering why lavender head needed to talk to me that badly. Maybe he needed my help to hide a corpse? Judal's corpse? I don't know, but I will find out soon.

I finally reached mister king's office. And for once, I knocked.

"Come in!"

I heard his voice, and opened the door.

Now I feel bad, he was finally working! So that's why he asked me to come? Being an alibi once again, probably.

"If it isn't my lovely wife! Your presence is the light of my day."

"And it will even blind you. Cut the flirting already, I have better things to do."

"Aggressive as always."

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