Part 12 : Books, snow and a bath

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Key for this chap: (Y/n/n): Your nickname

Thank you so much for all those reads! Even if I don't really deserve it because I'm freaking late '^^


Political travels weren't the best way to have some rest. But one of the main advantage is that you can have access to a lot of things due to your status as a guest. That's exactly why Ren Kouen was making his way towards the palace library. Even if he won't say it out loud, having to deal with Sinbad was quite tiering and stressful. Some good time was needed. Besides, he could find some information about Alma Torran here.

Finally reaching the place where knowledge lay, he opened the huge wooden doors. It seems that it was quite common to see a library completely deserted, but this time, a little girl with (h/l)(h/c) hair and a brilliant smile on her face was already there. He also noticed his younger brother sleeping, a book on his face.

When she heard the door open, she quickly closed her book and put a finger on her lips.

"Prince Kouen. Raikou is sleeping. Please be quieter."

She whispered loud enough for him to hear. Indeed, nobody even talked to him like that.


"Kouha's nickname I decided to give him, since he told that they sometimes call you Entei. So Kouha is Raikou, Koumei Suicune and you Entei."

Closing the doors without a noise, he made his way towards the young girl who pursued her reading. Quite curious about what she could possibly be reading, he allowed himself the give a quick glance towards the book.

"Is that Torran language?"

He snatched the book from her hands. After quickly reading a few lines, the prince sat down by her side, completely ignoring the shocked face of the girl by his side.

(Y/N) wanted her book back though.

"... We have more if you want."

The look he gave her, it might be described as a mix between 'I want your death because you interrupted me' and 'Give them to me or I'll kill you'

"Bring them all to me."


And that's how (Y/N) became Kouen's temporary assistant. In fact, she didn't mind. Seeing him so concentrate and creepy for something like that made her have a hard time to not laugh out loud.

Then spent quite a long time like that, until (Y/N) realised that the temperature of the room had grew quite low. Wanting to know what was happening, she gave a quick glance outside.

"Entei, look."

"What? - Snow?"

"It's freaking snowing! Raikou! Wake up! It's snowing in Sindria!"

"Gne what... "

The prince opened an eye, still sleepy. He didn't have the time to fully awake, because an overexcited (Y/N) dragged him away. The prince was quite confused, still rubbing his sleepy eyes, but was quickly awaken by the bitter cold outside the library.

They ran in the empty halls, ignoring the cold that was already biting their now rosy cheeks and nose.

Everything was white. The grass, the trees, heck, even Judal's hair. Running towards the said magi, it was hard for the young girl to hide her happiness.


Judal turned around, visibly extremely annoyed.


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