Part 6 : A new home

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Yay! I don't know what to say except tank you for reading this story :D

Here we go!


(Y/N)'s point of view

I opened my eyes, as the suns decided to lay his light on my face. I don't remember anything that happened after Sinbad knocked me down. At least, it doesn't hurt anymore. I tried to move, but something heavy prevented me to do so. I turned my head, and realised something kind of particular. Now I'd like to have some answers:

Where the fuck am I? Why am I on a bed with Sinbad? Why is he sleeping on my chest? And WHY IS HE NAKED?!

I gasped and redrew myself as fast as I could.


I felt of the bed. It seems that my scream alert someone. The door swung opened, revealing Ja'far with a worry expression.

"Lady (Y/N)! Is everything all right- "

He stopped talking when he laid his gaze on his king.


The said man woke up abruptly.


"Why the hell are you doing in lady (Y/N)'s room?"

"She's my wife. I have the right to sleep with her."

"I'm not your wife."

"Anyway, did you need something Ja'far?"

"Stop changing subject!!"

"OK. I'll let you kill him."

I left the room, and the moment I closed the door, I could hear a very pissed Ja'far's voice yelling after his king. Now I have to find someone that could answer my questions. As I walked through the halls, I noticed that I'm no longer in Nestrea. I maid my way downstairs, to reach the outside. It was beautiful. I didn't really know where I was, but it was mesmerizing.

A hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality. I jumped a little and faced Yamuraiha.

"Sorry. Did I scare you?"

"It's fine. Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Where am I?"

"Ah. Well- "

"You're in Sindria, my kingdom and your new home."

She was cut by Sinbad, who thanks to the gods was wearing clothes. Ja'far was following him. He was smiling but I could totally sense the murderous aura he was directing to his king.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"The first arrangement we maid with your father is still valid."



"And where are my metal vessels?"

"It's better to keep them away from you. I don't want you to get hurt."

I was about to strangle the man in front of me, but Yamuraiha prevent me from doing so.


"Don't worry babe, I'll make you happy."

He got in front of me and kissed my nose. He then winked at me and left following Ja'far, who wasn't pleased by his king.

"One day, I'll kill him. I swear it upon my lord Arceus."

I could feel Yamuraiha sweat drop at my words.

"Let's go eat breakfast, shall we?"


I didn't have to rush things. Plotting a murder can take time. I won't let that perverted king win against me. He doesn't know who he's facing. I followed Yamuraiha down the halls, to reach what looked like the living room, where all the generals were eating happily. As we walked pass the doors, everybody turned to face me. It was awkward, until Pisti cheered happily:

"Good morning my queen!"

They all followed her words, raising their glass. Yamuraiha gave me reassuring smile. I sat between her and Spartos. I was uncomfortable at first, but we ended up cheering happily.

"You gave us quite the surprise during the ceremony."

"Yeah! That was awesome!"

Sharrkan followed Drakon's words.

"That was a great demonstration of girl's power!"

Pisti joined the talk as well. And they ended up talking about my actions, like I wasn't there.

It seems they were all very satisfied by my actions. And now that I thought about it, nobody had noticed the fact that I literally said that I killed the previous princess and possessed her body. There weren't any reactions about that fact. Well, Ok. I'm not going to comment that fact, even if I already did.

The doors opened again, revealing Ja'far and Sinbad. They both sat in front of me, Ja'far still glaring at his king, and Sinbad smiling like an idiot. They all turned their gaze towards me, smirking. Then, Sinbad broke the silence:

"I'm happy to see you get along with everyone."

I kept silence. I didn't have anything to say to that man. I glared at the man in front of me. He continued smiling like a dummy. The atmosphere was awkward. Then Ja'far caught, getting our attention back.

"Anyway, welcome to Sindria lady (Y/N)."


I'm only getting started!~ Hope you like it thank you for reading! Cheeeeeeeer!

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