Part 7 : Mahrajan part 1

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Talking about Sindria without talking about Mahrajan would be a blasphemy.


Sinbad's point of view

It's been a month since (Y/N) got to live in Sindria. She was getting along well with everyone. But it doesn't prevent her from trying to leave. Sometimes, I had to catch her and prevent her from doing so. She can be stubborn, but I can be better at that game than her. It was odd that she wanted to leave that badly since the citizens accepted her very easily. She even decided to go to town and help them. I managed to have someone to follow her when she goes doing those stuff. It would be bad if she managed to run away.

Maybe I should stop trying to understand her actions. It's going to give me a headache. That girl doesn't make any sense.

"Sin? Can I come in?"

It even prevents me from hearing Ja'far knock at the door.


The said man opened the door, with his arms full of scrolls.

"It's quite rare to see you working that hard, my king."

"And you're taking advantage from it. Give me those."

He settled down all the paperwork on the desk.

"Where's (Y/N)?"

He froze at my question. Now I'm starting to get worried.

"She left for the town this morning."

"Was there anybody with her?"


"Well, it seems that paperwork has to wait."

I got up and placed my hand on Ja'far's shoulder

"I know you can handle this."

"Go get your wife before I end you."

I chuckled at his words. Thanks to you (Y/N), I'm free from my work. I closed the door behind me, and made my way down the halls to the palace entrance. Now finding (Y/N) will be hard. She's good at hide-and-seek.But I have to start somewhere. Maybe the market place isn't a bad idea.

I crossed down the streets, searching for a particular (h/c) haired girl. While I was walking, I was greeted by the people around me.

"Good morning your highness! Searching for your wife again?"

"Indeed. Have you seen her by any chance?"

"She's playing a new game with the children down below, in the fields."

'Tank you. Have a good day."

I waved at the man. Luckily, she didn't try to go away. I followed the indication to find her playing with a ball, shooting it between two rocks, while one of the children tried to block it.


They all cheered happily.

"It seems that you're having fun."

(Y/N) turned around to face me.

"Not so much now. If you're here to bring me back- "

I ignored her comment and knelt in front of one of the children.

"Can I play to?"

They smiled at me and ran toward (Y/N)

"(Y/N) one-san, can he play with us?"

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