Part 4 : Preparations

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Heyyyyyyyy. We still have a lot of stuff to talk about. Let's Go!


Sinbad's point of view

...It was probably the worst deal I ever made. But it seems that I didn't really had the choice. After we discussed the futures trading arrangement, I left the room. Sharrkan and Ja'far went to meet me.

"How was it?"

I was expectation this question. I looked at them and I noticed their worry expressions, probably because I wasn't in the mood to celebrate and it was visible in my face.

"It went well..."

"Really? It doesn't look like it."

"Can we talk about it somewhere else?"

They both nodded.

"Ok. Come this way."

I followed then to our guest room. As we entered, I sat down and wave them to sit in front of me.

"First, know that Nestrea will join the Seven Seas alliance."

"Great job Sin."

"However, in order to make it effective, I have to marry one of the nestrean princesses."

Their faces went blanc, until Sharrkan busted it laughter.

"Ha! You won't be able to flirt anymore!"

"It's not fun! I don't want my freedom to be taken away!"

"It was the only way I assume?"

"Yes. You know me Ja'far. If I could avoid it, I would have done so."

"Welp! I can't wait to meet your future wife! I'm sure she's pretty."

"Which princess is it?"


(Y/N)'s point of view

"Listen to me demon girl. You're actually in the Nestrean Kingdom, ruled by your father (your body's father), and I'm your younger sister- "

"Rosè. I already know. I have access to Melody's memories."

"It's rude to cut people like that."


"And by the way, you're going to get married."


I was taken aback by her remark. Getting married? I don't remember any of this.

"It was decided this afternoon. But don't worry. If you have sister's memories, you might still have feelings for that dude."

An arranged marriage????? Seriously! I don't want to stay by the side of someone I don't like! Melody and I are different persons. Even if she falls for a man, it doesn't mean I'm going to like him.

"Of course not! I don't even know him! And I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to get married either. We can come to an arrangement."

I stood up, but Rosè pulled me back to the ground.

"You can't."


"Because it's the king that decided it. Besides, it's the only way for your husband to get what he wants: this country in his alliance."

"I'm sure I can convince him."

"You don't have the right to see him before the marriage."

"...I'm doomed?"

"Yes, you are."

Great. Just great.

"When does the ceremony takes place?"

"Two weeks. And I shall train you during those two weeks."

"Train me for what."

"Nobody needs to know that Melody has been replaced by an awesome demon that now possess her body. I'm going to teach how you should behave, now that you are a princess."

"I'll prefer learning how to fight."

"That's not 'ladylike'."

"I don't want to be a lady!"

"Stop winning! We have a lot of things to do before the marriage!"

And then, that's how I learn what we call hell.

Rosè's point of view

Those two weeks were laborious. Demon girl- ... (Y/N), was probably the worst student I could have. She wasn't ladylike at all. Her way of walking, talking, they were way too much those of common people, even worst sometimes. But I honestly like her fool language. Sometimes, she speaks in a strange language. Probably a demon language. And sometimes she sings in that language. Pretty voice actually. Even if it's Melody's voice, it sounds different. Anyway, except fighting, she wasn't good at anything I tried to teach her. At least, she was interested by this country's story. But the thing that surprised me is that she managed to get along with Clarisse and Nathalia. One day, they barged into my room, asking me what I did to Melody. I tried to come up with an excuse, but Nathalia knows when I'm lying, so I had to tell them that Melody died and was replaced by a demon girl. They didn't believe me, until (Y/N) told them. Nathalia wasn't convince, but (Y/N) managed to gain her trust. Now I can see them talk about stars and stuff in the sky. I prefer the ground, where Hell is. One day, I found her talking to Lagu, and he seemed interested by her words. I'm starting to think that (Y/N) is more a miracle than a spawn of the devil. I sometimes came to see future bro, and every time I saw him, he looked depressed, or was flirting with a maid. But after the engagement announcement, the sisters decided to not pay attention to him anymore, and the servants started to do the same, and it was annoying him to no end. His friends came along a few days ago. The magician got along well with Nathalia and (Y/N). I preferred talking to the blond-haired girl. In fact, all future bro's friend was nice, and all seemed to like (Y/N). The white-haired man with freckles was suspicious about her, even if it didn't show it. I tried to speak about (Y/N) to purple man, but he didn't want to hear anything about her.

And finally, the day of the wedding came.

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