Part 11 : A new encounter

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DUNDUNDUN. The next part is here! Late again.


(Y/N)'s point of view

The following 3 weeks were rather pleasant. I don't know why but I didn't see lavender head at all. I heard from Ja'far that he had to take care of some business with Kou empire, since they were supposed to come to Sindria in order to talk politics. Well, I couldn't say that I wasn't busy myself. After all, now I had my queen duty and Kjell's training to take care off. Talking about queen duty, most of the time, it was finishing stupid king's work, since he barely touched it.

One day, while gathering some scrolls he left undone, I spotted little drawings on one of them. There was a strange looking face I couldn't identify, Judal in mini version, Ja'far breathing fire with seven horns, and my face in evil mode. I know it's bad following stupid people in their stupidity, but hey. I couldn't help myself. I commented all of them.

Ja'far, your worst nightmare. Judal, your secret lover. Strange looking face, your face when I ask you to shut up. My evil face, come on, I'm scarier than that. I even left him a drawing of his face, crying. Yep, that's what I do with my days.

Apart from signing scrolls and helping Ja'far get some rest, I trained Kjell as well. She wasn't motivated at all, saying that her household vessel sucks, but she can summon water weapons, and no matter what she could say, it was pretty cool.

"Ok I think we're good for today."

I redrew my weapon and relax a bit. Kjell did the same, releasing her grip on her sword. We were training for a few hours already. A little rest wouldn't hurt.

"Was fun. We should do that again sometimes."

"Yeah. Still have some progress to do- "

"Oi, (Y/N). Look over here."

A very annoying voice that I knew too well.

"What is it, Ju- Put that box down."

There he was, on the roof, smirking like the devil with my box of cookies in his arms.

"Why? It's not nice to keep it for yourself."

"Judal. I bough those cookies in Reim, and it was hard enough to escape from Sindria and convince the shop keeper to sell them to me at such a late time of the day. Now, give it back."


"And what the heck are you doing here? With my wonderful box of cookies?"

"I feel like if I happened to eat them all, you'll be pissed."

And then, that asshole took one and ate it in front of me. I could feel my anger starting to grow, as well as Murmur's power, who djinn equipped me.

"(Y/N), it's just some cookies."

Kjell sweat dropped when I sent a murderous glance at her.

"No one fights with me for food."

"Then get it back if you can."

3rd's person's point of view

Truth be told, there was a specific reason for Judal to be here. Kou representatives were supposed to come for some business. And who's better for political business than the three imperial princes? In fact, only Kouen was supposed to come, but his two brothers decided to show up as well, since Judal didn't stop talking about a strange person he met in Sindria. It was quite rare to see the magi being so obsessed with someone, and it picked their interest.

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