Part 13 : The challenge

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Yeah, lol. Late again. It's going to become a habit. But at least I have a good excuse! I had my exams!


3rd person's point of view

Finally able to finish her bath without trouble, (Y/N) was drying her hair. Lady Luck had mercy on her. That troublesome purple haired king finally left her alone. Then, she heard someone knock at her door.

"(Y/n/n), you're here?"

"Yeah. You can come in."

The door opened to reveal the 3rd prince of Kou. He seemed to just have finish his bath as well. His hair was still a bit wet.

"So, are you ready? The party is almost starting!"

"A party?"

"Yeah! Since we're leaving tomorrow... I guess they need to celebrate the fact that they're finally rid of us?"


"Yup. Now let's go!"

(Y/N) left her towel on her bed, not caring about her still wet hair. With the warm weather of Sindria, it will dry in a minute.

The two headed outside the palace, where the party was supposed to take place.

A few hours already had passed. The sun had set, and the streets were quite lively now, as well as the man next to (Y/N). Sinbad kept his 'stupid smile' as she liked to call it, while talking to Koumei and Kouen about whatever they wanted, because oh god was she bored. After all, Kjell was having quite a good time, challenging Kouha to an arm wrestling match. She kept losing and cursing every time. So why couldn't she join them? Because Sinbad insisted on her staying by his side and listening, what she absolutely didn't do. There is no reason she'll start to obey him after all, especially when her vessel was having fun without her.

Using the opportunity of them busy talking about politic and boring stuff, she quietly got up, unnoticed by the purple haired man, but completely witnessed by his two guesses and a white-haired advisor. Maybe Sinbad was too drunk to notice. It was like his third glass of wine already. She them joined the two challengers. Kjell seemed to have lost again.

"Heh, you son of a- "


The two turned their head to face (Y/N), with a surprise expression.

"I was going to say bitch, but I guess a goat is fine."

"(Y/n/n), did you run away?"

"I sure did. So, who's winning?"

"Me, with 23/0"

"My, Kjell you suck."

"Shut up."

"Don't worry, I'll bring you back your honour. Fight me, Raikou."

Kjell let her seat to her queen, wondering if she will really be able to beat up the prince. She might be stronger than her in djinn equip, but now it was brute strength. Even if Kjell was happy knowing that someone is trying to save her honour, she was secretly hoping that (Y/N) will lose. It will be better for her self-confidence. But it's not like (Y/N) was going to take a challenge lightly, especially against this pink haired prince.

"You're so going down (Y/n/n)."

The two got ready, then Kjell gave them the signal. After a short while, (Y/N) was victorious.

"Say what now?"


"Looks like I struck down your honour, huh."

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