Part 14 : Countless flaws

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 "Sinbad, let me go."

He remained silent, avoiding her eyes. But before she could start struggling away from him, strong arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her close.

"I'm sorry."

The tone of his voice made her froze. For the first time, she felt like his words were genuine. But still, something was wrong.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"...For what I'm going to do to you."

(Y/N) was roughly thrown on a bed. She didn't have the time to get back up, being pinned down by the same purple haired man. She could see hurt in his eyes.

He kept on looking right though her eyes, running his fingers through her soft (h/c) locks. His gaze pierced thought her soul, looking for something.

It was when (Y/N) felt his hand under her clothes that she really started to get scared. Sinbad was way stronger than her. She wasn't able to struggle, or even move. The cold air of night made her shiver when he removed her shirt, exposing her bare skin to the moonlight.

"Sin- Atchoo!"

He completely froze, staring at her with round eyes.

"What. I'm cold."

An awkward silence filled the room. (Y/N) started shaking. Looks like she managed to catch a cold.

"So, are you going to rape me or what?"

A dumfounded look was plastered on is face. What kind of reaction was that? A small chuckle escaped his lips, before it turns into a loud laugh.

"H-How am I supposed to do anything to you?"

The king collapsed at her side, laughing hard. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was finally free from him. She quickly put back her shirt on.

"Why the heck are you complaining? It was a really sexy sneeze."

"Yeah, yeah. Really sexy."

Sinbad almost fell from the bed, laughing.

"Anyway, why wanting to rape me now?"

"I want you to look at me."

"I'm already doing it."

Her words made him stop. He just looked back at her in shock. And he also noticed the faint blush on her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) continued talking.

"Look, despite the fact that you are annoying, perverted, manipulative, stupid, naïve, unable to do what's right, alcoholic, constantly smiling like the idiot you are, not caring at all about what others could think and probably one of the most awful womanizer that has ever existed, you're still nice. In a way...?"

Each time she told him one of his flaws, it was like an arrow just stabbed his heart.

"So that's how you see me..."

"Pretty much."

A depressive aura was around the king. It only made (Y/N) smile proudly. Indeed, destroying others ego was something fun.

"I still said that you were nice."

"I don't care about that! Do you know how many flaws you found in me?"

"I have more if you want."

"No, thank you."

The aura around Sinbad just darkened even more. He averted his gaze from her, his hair hiding his eyes.

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