Part 8 : Mahrajan part 2

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Nyaaaaaaaaaa! It's party time!


(Y/N)'s point of view

I spent all day helping people to get Mahrajan ready. It's a festival and it looked nice. I didn't know why lavender head didn't wanted to tell me about this, but it's OK. He's not very useful anyway.

The sun started to set. Nights are really pretty here. Nathalia might have liked then, with all the stars we could see. Sometimes, I missed the short days I passed in Nestrea. But it's not the time to get depressed. There's a party tonight, and I'm going to have fun.

The streets were getting livelier as the light of the of the day faded. I was watching the festival getting louder and louder from the stairs that lead to the palace. It was kind of boring, so I got up, and decided to go where all the generals and my auto proclaimed husband were. As I came closer, I could hear laughs and giggles, and I found out rather quickly to who they belonged. The party only started that lavender head was completely wasted, and covered in women. I ignored them and sat on the border, watching the city.

"Is everything alright lady (Y/N)?"

I turned my head, and saw Ja'far with a worried glance.

"Yes, don't worry. Besides, I told you to drop the honorifics. They insert distance between people and I don't like it."

"As you wish, lad- (Y/N)."

He sat beside me, but his worried expression didn't leave his face.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be?"


I followed his gaze that led me to Sinbad and his little friends. Like hell I'll let that affect me.

"You don't have to worry about this. He can do whatever he wants. It's not like we love each other or something."

Glancing back at lavender head again, I cursed myself. It wasn't logical for me to look for his attention, when the only thing I want when he's near me is to leave his side.

"As you wish. But if you need anything, please ask."

"You're like a mom Ja'far."

He smiled at me and left. I was expecting him to be angry at me, but well, maybe it's not the first time someone tell him this. I looked in Sinbad's direction once more. That man hasn't any logic. He wants to seduce me, but leave whenever there's another pretty face near him. It's not like that that you manage to make people fall in love.

I got up and went to see Yamuraiha, who was completely drunk has well, and arguing with Sharrkan again. A devilish idea came to my mind. I stood behind Sharrkan and told him.

"I'm going to the city."

They stopped arguing for a second

"Ok see ya later."

And they went back to it. But before I left, I accidentally pushed Sharrkan, who ended up kissing Yam. Have a good night you two.

I left before their drunken minds had the time to process what happened.

I ran down the streets, watching the lights, goods and different foods the Mahrajan has to offer. Maybe I should have asked for money, because it smelled delicious. Passing in front of the different stands, I continued to make my way downtown~. I waved at the people that recognised me. I was glad that I could go unnoticed. It would have been bothersome.

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