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-8 Years Ago-

"Mom?" Hayden yelled downstairs to her mother who was diligently cooking dinner for Hunter, Regan, Jack, and her.

"Hayden, what do you need?" She shouted through the house all the way from the kitchen.

"I need help with my math homework, mommy!" Hayden was never the best at math and she's been struggling since atleast first grade.

Hayden's mom, Kristy scoffed as she trudged up the stairs to help her eldest daughter with the nightly math homework.

"Hayden, why doesn't your teacher just help you with this?" She questioned. Being bothered by her eight year old daughter was the least of her worries right now.

"She does, I just don't get it mommy!" Hayden whined.

"I don't have time for this stupid homework, walk over to the Hood's house and see if Calum can help you with it."

"But mommy-"

"No buts, Hayden."

She hated having a mother that didn't care about her needs. All a little eight year old needs is a mother's love, and obviously Hayden didn't get that. That's why Hayden preferred to be at the Hood's house whenever possible and avoided her own house at all costs. Calum's mom, Joy, was like her second mother. Joy was the mother that actually showed her love and affection, what Hayden has been craving since she was born.

I'm going to try to get this homework done on my own tonight and be a big girl, Hayden thought. She didn't want to have to rely on Calum, no matter how much Calum was willing to help.

Hayden stared intently at the six question math worksheet dealing with simple multiplication. 2x2=? She read. She just simply couldn't figure out what to do, so she decided maybe to go look out the window to see what Calum was up to.

Calum's house was right next to Hayden's, and they lived in the most run-down part of the main line. "The main line" term used loosely to describe the million dollar houses stacked up in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. Living in the most run down part of the main line is almost like living in an average suburb. It's almost impossible to have a bad house.

Calum's bedroom window overlooked Hayden's and vice-versa. You could see inside Hayden's room from Calum's and you could see Calum's bedroom from inside Hayden's. Whenever Mrs. Hood would punish Calum and Mrs. Andersen would punish Hayden, they would write notes to each other and hold them up at the window to communicate.

Calum and Hayden had been friends since before either of them could talk. Hayden's grandparents currently owned the house they were living in, and because of that, Mrs. Andersen has lived there her entire short life. The day after Hayden was born, she moved into this house and hasn't moved since. They were there to stay.

Calum's family moved from Australia when he was two years old. His dad had received a job offer and had to relocate to Philadelphia. Calum could barely even talk when he moved. His throat emits an American tone, unlike his parents' strong Australian influence. The day the Hood's moved in, Mrs. Andersen had walked over and introduced herself. They have been inseperable since.

Hayden still intently worked on her math homework until she heard a shriek coming from God knows where. She had thought it could have been her 7 year old brother, Hunter, yelling at their mom over the dinner choices that evening, or her 4 year old sister, Regan, hurting herself with the toys she had played with. Most likely, it was her baby brother, Jackson, screaming because babies scream whenever the hell they want to.

She strutted down into the kitchen to see what was going on but she was astounded to see that all of her siblings were sitting peacefully at the dinner table.

Maybe I'm hearing things? She thought.

She walked back up to her room and the first place she checked was the window. The sight she had seen was one she will never forget for the rest of her life.



Yay! My first real live fanfic!

What do you all think is happening with Calum?

I'm going to try to update as much as possible once summer starts, but for now, here's the prologue!

I only have 18 more days until I'm officially out of school, so I'll be updating more frequently in the summer than I am now.

I doubt this story will have any reads considering this is just the prologue, but if you want to you can follow me on twitter: @indigolukes ayy

Thanks for reading and I can't wait to continue writing this story!

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