chapter four

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The smell of chicken alfredo filled the Andersen household.

Hunter and his friend Jason were gaming in the family room, while Regan was busy watching Gossip Girl on her laptop in her room. Typical teenage girl, cooping herself away from her entire family and spending the entire day in her room watching multiple seasons of Netflix shows. And of course, little Jackson was sleeping in his room.

Hayden was in the kitchen cooking dinner for everyone, and Calum... Calum was sitting in the bathroom with his head hung over the toilet.

Calum's mom's funeral had been the day before. Calum couldn't stand everyone being there and giving him sympathy and feeling bad for him. Frankly Calum felt bad for himself too, but he didn't want to be in the midst of everyone and have them all feel bad for him together, he wanted to feel bad for himself in private, and cry in private where no one was watching him.

Hayden had stayed up practically all night rubbing Calum's back as he hung his head over the toilet bowl and puked up almost his entire weight in alcohol.

She had come home from the funeral to see Calum passed out on the floor of her house with an empty bottle of vodka in his hand. She practically raced over to him, and slowly woke him up, hoping he was still alive from the high amount ofalcohol he had consumed.

Hayden had never been a fan of alcohol, seeing as how many deaths it causes from people driving to people getting alcohol poisoning from drinking way too much.

Hunter and his friend took a quick break from their video game to bother Hayden about what they were having for dinner, constantly sticking their fingers in the pot to get a little piece of what they were going to be eating.

No one was going to be eating except Hunter and Jason., Calum was sick, Jackson was sleeping, Regan probably stocked up on pizza rolls all day, Hayden thought.

She hopped down from the kitchen island and walked to the bathroom to check on Calum. "Hey Cal, how are you doing?"

"I literally can't feel my throat," He croaked.

Hayden wanted to make a smartass comment about drinking so much, but she stopped herself right before it could come out. Calum didn't need to feel any worse about himself than he did right then.

Hayden just chuckled quietly. "So I guess this means you're not eating dinner?

"Just leave me here to sit in my misery," With that, Hayden laughed and walked out of the bathroom. She served Jason and Hunter dinner, grabbed a book, and sat in front of the TV.

Slowly, a burning smell crept into Hayden's nose. Shit, did I forget to turn the stove off?, She thought.

She quickly dropped the book and ran into the kitchen, but Jason and Hunter were peacefully sitting at the kitchen island, eating their pasta. Glancing over at the stove, she noticed it was off. Where could that smell be coming from?

She checked the bathroom, wondering if she had accidentally left her straightener on but the straightener was very well unplugged and put away in the cabinet.

The last place Hayden checked was outside the front door to see if a neighbor happened to be barbecuing that night, but it appeared that no one was barbecuing.

"HAYDEN!" She heard a scream come from inside the house. She bolted inside only to see smoke coming from the staircase leading upstairs.

"Hunter and Jason, go get Calum from the bathroom and I'll meet you outside!" The scream had come from Jackson. Hayden made her way up the stairs about half way before she started feeling light headed. The smoke was slowly pouring into her lungs, making it harder and harder to breathe. 

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