chapter three

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"I think her funeral is tomorrow," Calum spoke, walking into the kitchen for breakfast, and sitting down at the kitchen table. His mom only died 3 days ago and he hadn't left Hayden's house since. He stayed cooped up in the guest room most of the time, besides when she had busted into his room this morning to bring him breakfast in bed. He'd been surprisingly okay since the night at dinner when he started bawling. He hadn't cried in two days, so Hayden guessed that could be a good thing.

The first night he stayed at Hayden's house, he woke up in the middle of the night screaming and crying. Hunter had woken up from it, but no one else. He didn't know how to deal with it, so he woke up Hayden and she walked in and comforted him. He couldn't fall back to sleep, and Hayden is almost positive he hasn't slept since then.

She couldn't even imagine what he was going through. Hayden absolutely hated her mother. She never really had a mother that loved her, but if she did, then maybe she would know what Calum was going through.

"Is it open casket?" She asked. Jackson and Regan probably couldn't bear to see Joy laying in the casket, dead and lifeless.

"No," His eyes darted down to his feet and he began playing with his fingers.

Hayden carried bowls of cereal over to where he was sitting at the kitchen table and sat down adjacent to him.

She looked into his brown eyes, and spoke, "Let's not talk negatively about this. It's a celebration of your mom's life."

"She was one hell of a woman," He spoke and chuckled, finally getting a laugh out of him.

A smile peeked from his lips, "Yes she was, Cal."

The two sat in silence, eating their cereal.


"Hay, can you help me pick out which dress to wear?" Regan questioned. The two were having a girl's night, watching movies and eating ice cream in Regan's bedroom. Calum took out Hunter and Jackson to a Philadelphia Union game in the city, so they felt entitled to do what girls do best while the guys do what guys do best.

"Not now, Regan. Maybe a little later? I don't really want to think about that right now."

"Uh... Yeah, sure, no problem, Hayden," Regan said, her voice getting quiet.

The tenseness in the air was obvious, so Hayden tried to change the subject to something Regan loved to speak about. "So how's that boyfriend of yours?" Hayden nudged her suggestively, and winked.

"Oh, well his name's Tyler. He's on the baseball team and he's SUPER cute, and he looks great in baseball pants!"

"Blonde or brunette?"

"Blonde, who else do I date, Hay, let's be real here."

"Hey! You gotta give me credit, it's hard to keep track of all those boyfriends you have."

"Yeah, just as hard as it is to keep track of your boyfriends."

"Ha ha ha, very funny." Regan's reference to Hayden's lack of boyfriends was just a slap in the face, considering the 13-year-old had more boyfriends in one year than Hayden had in her entire life.

"Well, have you really dated anyone besides Jack Taylor?" Regan asked.

Hayden wished she could go on and on about how she was keeping this secret boyfriend from Regan and how they hung out and kissed all the time, and he did cute couple-y things for her, but Hayden just nodded no. Because the secret boyfriend she had thought about, didn't exist. Jack Taylor really was her only boyfriend, and he was irrelevant. He was a fifth grade relationship, where everybody dated everybody.

"So it was only Jack?"

"Yes, Regan, it was only Jack."

"But have you kissed anyone besides Jack?"

That got Hayden thinking. She did kiss someone else once. A family party that was held a long time ago, all the children were hanging out in the basement, older and younger neighborhood friends. The younger kids were on one side of the circle they were all sitting in, and the older kids on the other side.

"Andersen it's your turn. Truth or dare." A tall blonde boy said. He was only 12, but at the mere age of 7, 12 was a big deal.

Hayden stuttered when she responded and almost said truth before the 12-year-old could give her time to respond. "You know what, you get dare. I dare you to kiss him." He pointed at another boy on the same side of the circle as her. Hayden didn't want to be called a chicken at 7 when she was in the midst of all older kids, so she did as the boy said.

Hayden spoke up to Regan. "I kissed Calum once."

"WHAT? Oh my God Hay you kissed Callie and never told me about it? What kind of big sister are you?"

A big sister that raises you after your mother leaves you, Hayden thought.

"It was a long, long time ago, I was way too young to even think anything of it. It was back when you were about four years old, so I obviously couldn't tell you when it happened." Hayden laughed, trying to plead a case to Regan.

"Alright, alright, I'll let this one slide, but next time, I better be the first one to know."

"Of course, I mean, Calum's pretty much my only friend and he most definitely won't care about the boys I'll be kissing so.."

"I bet you'll kiss Callie." Hayden's head shot up to look at Regan smiling. "I mean, you kissed him once before, what's one more gonna do? I think you two are just destined to be with each other. I mean look how well the two of you basically raised me, Hunter, and Jackson."

Hayden started tearing up as she reached her arms around her little sister. "Regan, you don't understand how much that means to me. We've both worked extremely hard and to see it all pay off like this is the best thing I could have asked for. I love you."

"I-I love you too Hay. You're the best sister-mom ever."

"I try, I really, really do."

"Alright enough of this sappiness, either you paint my nails now or we can watch Serendipity for the millionth time because I know it's your favorite."

"Glad to know you've paid attention these past 13 years, Reg."


hey hi oh my god im so sorry its taken this long to update but i had to basically figure myself out and where i was going with this story and i finally did so now i will hopefully be updating more often.

this chapter sucks im srry but if you could vote for it that would be fab.

i saw 5sos in new york on tuesday at the today show and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, i met some great people and i hope i get to do that all again sometime

ok that is all i hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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