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It's such a beautiful day. The sky is a painfully bright blue, the grass is emerald green and the air is warm with sunlight. Huge trees with silvery trunks and greyish green leaves reach toward the sun. Little pink birds with grey wings peck at the ground in flocks.

"Will! Will!" A voice shrieks. I am almost knocked over by a small missile wearing a pink frock and thongs. "Mummy says that we can go on the playground!"

I smile at my little sister. "Alright, Sia. I'll come." Her eyes light up. They are peculiar, deep blue with copper flecks in them. Like my very own.

I take her hand in mine, and walk over to the slide, helping her up the ladder. She squeals as she zips down the slippery surface. Sia pulls me over to the swing set. I lift her onto the baby swing, and buckle her in. Then, I grab a hold of the back and start walking backwards, letting go when my arms hurt. Sia laughs.

Two people come up to me. A girl with red hair and brown eyes and a boy with brown eyes and black hair.

"Nelly! Mitchell!" I say.

"Hey Will. Hey Sia. Nice to be seeing you here." Nelly exclaims.

"You too."

Nelly and Mitchell. My best friends since kindergarten. We start to talk about life, complaining about our teachers and chatting about the inevitability of death. It's nice to see them again. We graduated primary school last year and are now going to different high schools. I don't see them as much as I'd like to. At Mitchell's request, we walk over to the nearest patch of grass and lie down facing the sky on it. The sunlight feels nice against my skin. As we talk, my eyes keep looking around. They eventually land on a small plane. Planes fly over us all of the time, except this one looks...wrong. It's flying too close and its black, not white. It's not a passenger jet. So what could it be.

As I watch, the plane's belly opens up. Something falls out. It's shaped like a bullet. Like maybe....


I am thrown backwards by some incredible force.

The world goes white and I can't feel anything at all.

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