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Yellow flowers under my fingers
Soft petals like a cushion
Black walls all around
Swirling with purple

Every step goes a mile
Every step goes a millimetre
Time has no meaning
Distance is a myth

Doors open
With sounds like firecrackers
Creaking and snapping wood
That feels like stone

Red leaves crunching
Dust is gritty
Filling the air
Muting the colours

Getting into
My eyes, my mouth, my nose
It's everywhere
And turns to blood on my skin

Coughing, choking
Clawing at my eyes
Screaming, shouting
Voice going hoarse

Stumbling away
Running away
Each step goes a mile
Each step goes a millimetre

Vines creeping up the walls
Growing as I watch
Thorns dripping with blood
And grey dust

Reaching for me
Encircle me in vines
Thorns turn to dust
And then run red rivers around my feet

I wade through the blood
Gasping and retching
As the scent hits me
Rich and metallic

Mounds of dust
Grey and gritty
Swirling in a phantom wind
The remains of my friends

When I get near
Blood seeps through
Staining the dust crimson
Seeping through my shoes

Smack smack smack
The sound of wet feet on stone
Echoing through the corridors
Echoing through my heart

Crumbling bricks await me
Cracks filled with shadows
Spilling over
Tendrils reaching out

Avoiding them
It burns my skin
The house is cold
And echoes with screams

Which fill my ears
Which cripple me
So full of anguish
So full of pain

Doubling over
Ears are screaming
Crimson on my hands
Blood turns to dust

It floats away
Going to the hidden places
To choke the house up
To leave a mark on it

Shadows loom above
Filling the corridor
Looking at me
Silver eyes glinting dangerously

Avoid the looks
Piercing through like shards of glass
My soul fluttering
Beating anxiously

The staircase disappears
Eaten up by shadows
Curling around my body
Dragging me down

Can't breathe

Dragging me down, down, down
To its jaws
Claws ripping through my skin
Blood becomes dust

Struggling, squirming
Light flooding my chest
Making the shadows retreat
Dust drifts away

Walking on, through the corridor
Every step goes a mile
Every step goes a millimetre
Purple stone stained with crimson

Walking through the piles
My skin is sticky
For the cycle continues
And dust becomes blood

Feeling my soul beat harder
Feeling my steps quicken
Feeling my skin crawl
Someone is there

They whoosh past me
Burning cold
Raging fire
Icy fury

In front of me
Towering over
Ghoulish faces twisted
In sick excitement

Shadows caress my shoulders
My arms and face
Inviting me
With a loving embrace

Toriel's face shines through
Warped by the mist
But there
Smiling and whole

I reach for her
Murmuring her name
Wanting to go to her
Wanting to be loved

And then she laughs
Filling the room with her
An echoing laugh, filled with happiness
It isn't her

Toriel knows love
And hope
And warmth
But she doesn't know happiness

Pulling back
Trying to bat them away
They hiss at me
Jabbing and poking

Giving up entirely
Splitting apart
Revealing the scene in front
And my knees buckle as tears flow

Torn, purple fabric
On the pile of dust
Following the laws of this world
Dust turns to blood

Soaking through
Ruining the fabric
Staining it
With my blood

Calling for help
Tripping over the dress
At the sound of wet, ripping fabric

The door's open for me already
Covered in thorns
Steadily growing
Smothering the Ruins

Growing outward
Creating a wall
A huge, thick wall
Of thorns and roses

I duck and weave
Trying not to be hit
Trying and failing
And blood turns to dust

Getting through
Running past the shadows
Running to the next door
Hoping, praying, for something new

Opening the door
Heaving and panting
Crumpling to my knees
At the sight of the snow

As the dust turns to blood

A/N Literally had no clue how else to write this, or the next few chapters, so it's a poem guys! Bear with me here. And look on the bright side. These chapters take much less time than the normal ones!

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