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Blue flowers
Glowing in the dark
Sparking a memory
A warm, distant thing

And the paths are covered in blood
Gritty, delicious blood
Blood of those creatures
Those awful, deformed creatures

That come at me
Lunging, laughing
Gurgling, bleeding
Coming to kill me

And I cut them down
Into little pieces
Dust covering me
Blood running down my skin

Throwing myself at them
My blade gleaming bright
Red with blood
Grey with dust

Opening my mouth
And the dust flows in
Raw, lovely, exhilarating
And my laughter echoes

Bland, gritty, bitter
Mixed with another heavenly taste
Like metal
Rich and delicious

Dripping down my chin
As I continue
the glowing water
Past the silent flowers

The cavern is silent with noise
Emptiness echoing like an ancient song
Darkness thick and tangible
Death has visited and taken freely

The once beautiful light
From the flowers
From the stones
Is dim and dull

Covered in blood
Covered in dust
Leaning in closer
Listening to the silence

A dead place
With dead people
Do I know them?
I do not remember

Gasps of breath
From those still alive
Slash slash
And the dust turns to blood

Gasps of breath
From my own lungs
Choking on the dust
Spitting out the blood

Running away
Through the caverns
Through the water
Through the endless rain

Slashing as I go
Cutting the stragglers down
Their dust covering my hands
Their blood staining my hair

Stopping in front of a puddle
And I look down
And I smile at the girl
Looking back at me

Her skin coated in blood
Her hair caked in red
Her smile dripping blood
Her cuts ooze dust

Blue eyes sparkle
Gleaming red with delight
A hardened gaze
Sharp as a blade

Stumbling away
A handful of water
To cleanse my face
My hair, my body

Feeling my soul thudding
Shuddering with every step
I know this place
But I do not remember

I run now
Run to avoid the others I might kill
Run to stop myself
Run to end this nightmare

Because this
This hunger
Consumes me

Feeling the ice
Feeling it cradle the flames
Cool, a soft kiss
A kiss drenched in poison

Fighting off the ice
As it creeps into my veins
The silent voice screaming
The silent voice pleading

Feeling my flames grow higher
Feeling them consume me
Feeling the heat boil my blood
Feel the warmth soak my bones

Feeling myself let go
Feeling myself lose control
Feeling the fire consume everything
Feeling the power course through my being

Opening my eyes
The world is in cinders
Smoke rises from the ground
And flames lick the walls

I don't remember running
I don't remember crying
I don't remember screaming
As I look back at the wreck

'Dangerous little freak
Look at what you've done
Taken innocent lives
You are a monster'

Blocking out the voice
The deadly sweet croon
The beautiful, horrible lilt
The voice that will kill me

And in my mind's eye
I see the blood
Running little rivers
Staining the water purple

Retching, gagging
Though there isn't anything left
Curling up
And sobbing on the floor

But I have to finish this

Dragging myself up
Putting one foot in front of the other
Making myself continue
For the nightmare to end

The bridge swings
I sway along too
Finding the rhythm

And then she comes
Battles armour shining blue
Red hair gleaming bright
Sharp teeth flashing

"You have committed murder
For that you must pay
With your blood
With your life"

And the aqua spears rain down
And I dodge mindlessly
Because I know her
I've seen her before

A spear grazes my arm
I feel my blood drip down
Before it drifts away as dust
She must die

Twisting, turning
Dodging, hitting
A never ending dance
Of life and death

She puts up a fight
A damn good one
But no even she
Is a match for me

Laughing, gurgling
Hitting hard
Her screams are like music
Her dust tastes divine

Spears stabbing
Piercing my flesh
Every movement
Sending more dust floating





Slashing through her torso
Cutting through her flesh like clay
Laughter bursting forth
e, sick giggling


But the damage has been done
And she disintegrates
Her dust scattering
As she looks up

Tears stream down
Scaly cheeks moist
And then she starts to sob
Great, heaving sobs

And she stops
Her eyes lined with silver
And she
Grins at me

Her smile so familiar
An ache filling my chest
Because I remember her
I know her

And the tears form in my eyes
When she turns to a pile of dust
I sink to my knees
My throat a knot

"Who are you?"
Screaming at the mound
Tearing at my hair, my face
Because i know her

Rising slowly
Smile twisting
My first real opponent
Killed so beautifully

No need to feel sorrow
No need to feel pain
No need for tears
For I do not know her


As her dust turns to blood

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