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Where am I?

There is nothing here. Just an inky black that seems to consume everything. I run. I don't know where I'm running to. Away from this void, I guess. My muscles ache and strain. My brain goes foggy. But there is a burning feeling inside that makes me continue. I run for an eternity, bones groaning and every fibre in my body screaming in pain. The human body can only run for so long, though. I succumb to my exhaustion, dropping roughly to my knees. I double over, retching, stomach heaving, even though I know nothing will come up. Eventually, I collapse, barely any strength left in me. I can't move at all.

My mind is too foggy to form thoughts properly, but I'm sure I'm not hallucinating when the star appears in front of me. It's a beautiful thing, really, in this black. A golden four point star, blinding in the void. I sit up, mentally drawn to this fragment of light, however small. My mind must really be muddled, because I can see a person walking out of it.

I can only see an outline, but they seem small. Childish. They walk right up to me and kneel down, so that their face is level mine. Her brown hair, cut in a bob, greatly contrasts with her pale skin. Her eyes are a ruby-red. They shine and sparkle. But there's something else in these eyes, something that makes my skin crawl... She offers me a hand, the sleeve of her lime-green and yellow striped jumper shifting over her wrist. I clasp it and haul myself up.

"Greetings," she says. "I am Chara."

"Hi." My voice is rusty. "My name's... err... Will! I think..." Why was it so hard to remember my name? "Where are we?" Chara smiles. Every instinct in my body is screaming at me not to trust this child. But why? She seems so innocent.

"We are in the in-between. The place between life and death. You can either choose one, or the other. If you choose life, you must hope with all your might. You must still have a will to live. A strong one, too. "

"That's good!" I sigh in relief. "I can just go back to my family. Right?" Chara's face twists unpleasantly.

"No. You can't go back. You must die." Her voice changes, the sugar I n it gone, to be replaced by venom. My smile drops. "I know what you are fated to do. That is why I am here." Chara raises her arm. As if by magic, a kitchen knife appears in her hand. It glows red-hot, and cast shadows on her face. "To stop you."

Without any warning, she lunges at me, swishing the blade around madly. I dive out of the way, but still manage to get cut on my forehead. It burns, like fire. I scream in pain, and drop to my knees. Chara steps over me, and swings the knife downwards, for the killing blow, I roll away just in time. I twist around to see her grinning. Her jewel-like red eyes are now completely black.

"Why are you doing this?" I gasp. Chara only grins. "What did I do wrong?" The knife in her hand glows brighter.

"Exist." I don't even see her move. All I'm aware of is the sudden and horrible pain in my leg. When I look down, I register the large cut running from my ankle to my knee. It doesn't bleed, so I can see all of the muscle and bone that has been exposed. I lie, curled up on my side, my eyes streaming tears of pain. I wait for the blow to end it all. I wait for even more darkness. I wait for death.

But it doesn't come.

I can hear Chara. She sounds like she's struggling. I open my eyes. Chara is tied up with what looks like void. Black tentacles that seem to come out from the ground have wrapped themselves around her arm, legs and torso.

"LET ME GO, YOU STUPID OLD MAN!" she shrieks. "STOP TRYING TO BE A HERO HERE!" A garbled voice fills my head. It should scare, but instead, it comforts me.

"I won't let you hurt her." I can barely distinguish the words. "She is our only hope. My only hope." I sense that this creature is trying to help me. I think back to Chara's words earlier, and hope to live with all my heart. My body already feels light.

Chara starts struggling harder. "No! NO! THAT ISN'T HOW IT WORKS!" she howls. "SHE CAN'T GO! SHE CAN'T LIVE! I DON'T WANT TO REPENT!!"

Her voice starts to fade out, like the volume control on a TV. But the voice in my head rings clear as a bell.

"Live child, live! Live and set us all free!" 

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