Chapter 11

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The Knight Dances

"Whats with the look? Expecting someone else?" Ichiru turned to face Zero.

"Wheres Yuki? What have you done with-" Zero stepped forward with a threatening aura.

"Whoa there, the Kuran Princess is fine. I in fact know nothing of her where abouts." Ichiru walked next to Zero and spoke with a whisper, "Rido Kuran will be here soon, so you better watch out for your little pure blood princess."

Zero grabbed Ichirus arm. "Why are you warning me?"

"Zero. Im not hartless, we are siblings." Ichiru smiled and left. Zero watched Ichiru leave but his attention was turned to the seprate double doors on the other side of the balcony open. A female figure appeard with short dark brown hair cut to her chin and a black dress that poofed out at the waist. Zero smiled as he realized it was Yuki.

He reached her. "Hey Ze- " He put his index and middle finger on her lips. She looked at his hand and then at the lavendar eyes that pierced threw the white masquerade mask outlined with gold.

"Is not customary to hide ones identy when wearing a mask?" Zero smirked.

Yuki put on the black masquerade mask outlined with light purple. "You are right. So... who might you be?"

Zero held out his hand. "May I have a dance?" Yuki nodded and took his hand. Zero pulled her close by the waist and they waltzed to the time of the music. "You know, you look very similar to this girl that Im hopelessly in love with."

"Is that so?" Yuki blushed with a smile. "As do you, look like someone I cherish." A moment of silence fell apon the two till Zero nelt down and kissed Yuki. Suddenly a dark ominous aura filled the air and Yuki immediately knew what has happend. Rido Kuran has returned to his own body. Zero knew as well. With one look they both nodded. Zero started to walk but Yuki grabbed his hand. "Zero..."

"Whats wrong?" Zero noticed she was staring down at the entry.


Zero quickly looked over the balcony to see his twin fall to his knees, look up, grab the string with the bell on it, and collapse to the ground. "Ichiru!" Zero shoved his mask in Yukis hands, hopped down and landed perfectly to the ground. Then proceeded to run to his brothers side. Yuki watched from above. Not again. Zero cant lose another. Yuki thought.

"I tried..." Ichiru spoke as he was being lifted into Zeros lap. "I tried to deliver the final blow for Shizuka. But in the end... I still wasnt good enough..." With wide eyes Zero saw Ichirus stab wound in his chest.

"Ichiru no! You cant die! Dont you dare leave me!" Zero shook Ichiru slightly.

"Whats this? Where's the strong Zero who never shows his feelings? Wheres the scary look that made the humans run? This is the Zero that took care of me... that I always felt comfortable with next to me as I slept."

"Please dont go. Ichiru I dont think Ill be able to handle one more loss."

Ichiru looked over at Yuki who stared down at the two and smiled. "Oh yes you can. With her." Zero looked up to see Yuki throw her mask off and jump down as well. She ran over.

"Yuki... do something... anything..." Zero held Ichiru to his chest.

"I could... turn him..." Zero looked down at Ichiru.

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