Chapter 13

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The Queen and Her Hunter

Ruka ran out of the room screaming with joy. "Ruka!!!" Yuki raced after her and pulled her back in. Zero and Aidou just stared at the two.

"I wonder why Ruka is so excited..." Aidou took a sip if tea.

"You know why, or else you wouldn't have called her here. Why did you call Ruka here?" Zero smriked as he sat down on the chair next to the couch.

"Uhh... I just had some suspicions about Lady Yuki is all..."

"And those would be?"

"Ah... well... um..."

Ruka yet again came out yelling all excited and what not and Yuki tugging on her begging her to calm down. "Ruka!"

Zero looked over at Yuki and noticed her distress. He sped over to Ruka and grabbed her wrist away from Yuki. "Ruka... I think you should follow Yukis wishes." Zero let go of her.

"Yes but I think Yuki has some wondeful news." Ruka smiled at Yuki. Yuki made a cutting gesture to her throat with her hand till Zero looked at her and she put her hands behind her back and nervously smiled.

"Whats going on?" Zero asked Yuki.

"N-nothing..." Yuki replied.

"Ok... Aidou... Ruka... leave please..." Zero put his arm around Yuki.

Aidou and Ruka bowed to Yuki and left. Before Ruka closed the door she winked at Yuki. Yuki gasped and went to run after Ruka but Zero caught her wrist. "I have to go! She'll tell Kaname and he'll..."

"Yuki... whats wrong?"

Yuki turned around and hugged Zero. She slightly gasped. "Zero... I can hear it..."

"Hear what Yuki? Youre making no sense."

"The tiny heartbeat... in my abdomen." Zeros eyes widened and he took Yuki by the shoulders.

"What are you saying?!" Zero shook Yuki around.

"Im saying that I think Im pregnant you big dummy!" Yuki punched Zero in the chest. Sending him back a bit and sitting on the couch. Zero blinked at Yuki as she covered her mouth.

"" Zero stood up and hugged Yuki. "But how would you know... its only been a night since..."

"I know!..." Yuki realized she raised her voice and it was uncalled for. "...Sorry... I know..." Yuki said in a more calm voice.

"Ok..." Zero smiled and sat Yuki down on him as he sat down on the chair next to the couch. " lets say that you are..."

"Pregnant... yes." Yuki smiled at Zeros cute hesitation and wrapped her arms around Zeros neck.

"...yes that. What will we do?"

"Well... I dont know how a pure bloods pregnancy goes... Ill have to ask someone. Like..."

"Kaname Kuran..." Zero rolled his eyes.

"Yes... or Ruka...or Aidou... look whatever this is, even if its happening... well do it toge-"

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