Chapter 7

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My Heart Belongs To You

Yuki turned to her side and watched Zero sleep. "Youre staring." Zero smirked. At least she thought he was alseep. Yuki crawled onto Zero and propped her self up with her elbows to just barely touch Zero with her forehead. Zero wrapped his arms around Yuki. "Its odd seeing you with this long hair. It reminds me of when you and I met." Yuki smirked a little. She positioned herself to lay her head on Zeros chest. Zero held her head with one hand and had the other placed on her head. "Yuki I-"

"I know... me too."


Yuki awoke in her bed alone. She looked at the small clock on her nightstand. It read '7 am' she rubbed her eyes and looked around. "Zero must've gone to do gaurdian rounds."

"Yuki I- " Yuki knew what Zero was going to say, but there was no need. She already knew the feelings between the two. Now what they would do with them... she still did not know. Yuki went to the bathroom that was in between her and Zeros room. She looked at herself in the mirror and grabbed at her hair. As she twisted it around her finger she looked over at Zeros door. She wondered if he was in there. She looked back at herself then noticed her day class uniform. If she went back as the way she was, there would be speculation about her appearance. How would she explain?

Yuki rummaged around in the drawers till she found a pair of scissors. Yuki looked at them then hesitantly hacked away at her hair till the length was at her chin. She figured if anyone asked what was different she could easily use a hair cut a an excuse. Yuki smelled tea coming from the living room. She still had to get used to her pure blood powers. Once she was done putting her uniform on she looked at herself and saw the human Yuki, until her eyes filckered red and the mirror cracked. She looked away painfully and made her way to the living room.

Yuki could hear the headmaster babbling on about his new tea packets and his garden. When she turned the corner she saw Kaname sitting there. Calmly. "Kana.. Kaname what are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize for my actions.....I see you've cut your hair." Yuki sat down next to the headmaster, opposite from Kaname.

"Yes well... I figured if I came to class with my long hair and odd appearance it would raise questions." Yuki gripped the end of her skirt.

"So does that mean you want to stay in the day class?" Kaname asked.

"Well... yes."

"You are a member of the vampire socity, a pureblood at that. So it would be wise to transfer. But if staying in the day class is your wish, then I have no authority to tell you other wise."

Yuki stood up. "I have to go now. If I plan on continuing life as a human. Thank you... brother."

"Yuki..." Yuki turned to face Kaname. "I am truley sorry for my actions last night. If you also wish to be with Kriyu, I cannot change that as well." Yuki nelt down and kissed Kanames cheek.

"I forgive you Kaname. Goodbye guys!" And she went off like human Yuki would have.


Yuki walked into the classroom and the class was buzzing as usual before Yogari showed up. Yuki passed a group whom started murmuring about her. Usually she couldnt hear them but this time she could. Yuki slid her eyes to them and they all stopped talking.

"Was she always scary?"

"She must've taken lessons from Kriyu on how to be scary."

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