Chapter 19

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When The Hunter
Becomes King

"Zero..." Yuki stared down at Zero while grasping the hands that held her face. "What will a piece of paper prove that I dont already...?"

"I dont want to marry you to prove something, you and our children show that. I want to be able to call you my wife, I want to be able to die as your husband. I want to see you at your most beautiful self."

Yuki sat down and Zero did the same next to her. "Why do you say such sad things? Saying as if you will die... as long as I provide my blood and back 1000 years ago you got Shizukas blood."

Zero took Yukis chin. "I only meant it as a possibility. Not that it would happen." Zero smiled. "So cute my Yuki, you still blush when I get this close or when I kiss you."
Yuki was surprised due to the fact she had no idea she was blushing. She touched her cheek but then Zero kissed her. "So, I will ask again... and again till I receive a yes. Yuki Kuran, will yo- "

Yuki was tempted to take him on that bet but, she held her finger to his mouth. "Yes."

"Yes?" Zero asked with slight excitement.

"Yes." Yuki said with a laugh.

"Woo hoo!" Zero picked Yuki up and layed down on the bed, Yuki landing ontop of him. For a moment, they stayed in that position just staring at eachother. Yuki smiled. "What?" Zero asked.

"Sometimes Im glad we can keep our youth, because I get to see this handsome face everyday for eternity." Zero was surprised at her words and then she nelt down and kissed Zero. Yuki smirked. "Is that a slight blush I see?"

"What?! No way!" Zero nervously laughed. "You're the blusher!"

"Am not!" Yuki playfully scoffed.

"Are to!" Zero started ruffling Yukis hair.

"Eh! Stop it!" Yuki started ruffling Zeros hair . "Ok! Ok! Enough!"

They stopped and smiled at eachother. Then Yuki turned to the door and Zeros eyes flickered to it as well. "Zero..."

"Yeah me too. But whos is it...?"

Yuki looked back over at Zero. "Kaname!"
Yuki hopped of of Zero and put a robe on over her dress gown. Zero stood up and followed her down the stairs. "Kaname?" Yuki yelled out.

"Yes?" Kaname calmly answered as he looked over the couch.

Yuki sighed in relief. "I thought you were hurt I smelled- "

"Oh I did get hurt... but its just a paper cut. See." Kaname lifted his index finger to reveal a small stream of blood going down his finger.

"Oh...uhm. Let me get you a bandage." Yuki went into the kitchen. Zero followed.

"You ok?"


"Do you want his blood?"

Yuki slammed the box of bandaids on the counter and huffed. "How many times do I have to tell you I want you. Not Kaname. For god sake Zero." She passed him but was quickly caught by his arm around her waist.

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