Chapter 20

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Dilvery For Master

Kiyomi walked out and looked around to see just Ai and Ren watching TV while Kaname sat on the chair beside them flipping through more scrapbooks. "Um... where Uncle Zero? Isnt it lunch?"

"They went out." Ren said bored while flipping through channels.


Ai was resting her head on the couchs arm opposite from Ren. She looked up at Kiyomi. "They went for a walk or something... why do you ask?"

"Its just normally Uncle Zero is cooking lunch by now..."

"Cant you cook your self?" Ren asked sliding his eyes to Kiyomi.

"Sort of... I can cook small meals..." Kiyomi scratched the back of her head.

"Then cook one..." Kaname replied.

The three looked over at Kaname with surprise as he doesnt talk much. Ren rolled his eyes and continued flipping through channels. Ai looked over at Ren and then at Kaname. "Uncle Kaname, maybe you should go help Kiyomi... y'know, bond and stuff." Ai suggested.

"Uh.. sure." Kaname followed Kyimoi into the kitchen. Ai lightly tapped Ren with her foot.

"Whats wrong Onii-sama?" Ai asked.

Ren looked over at Ai. "That guy, he flirts with mother... I dont like it. He offered her his blood last night..." Ren looked back at the TV.

"Eh? Uncle Kaname probably doesn't understand mother and fathers connection...he probably doesn't understand a vampires love either..."

"I wish there was a way to make Uncle Kaname remember so hed lay off mother."

"Onii-sama!" Ai angrily whispered. "If Uncle Kaname truley remembered he would be in so much pain. Aunt Ruka was the only one that releaved him of pain other than Mother. Plus Aunt Ruka wanted Kaname to live life as a human tilk he met his true end."

Ren sighed. "I know but I just... dont like hin very much right now..."

"Like father like son..." Ai mumbled.


Yuki and Zero entered the home to Kaname and the others eating Pizza. "You ordered Pizza?" Yuki asked as Zero took off her coat.

"Yeah." Kaname said smiling and he took a bite.

"And where did you get the money for this?"
Yuki asked.

"Forget that, did you let anyone see Kaname?" Zero asked.

"Um..." Ai set down her pizza. "Maybe..."

"He answered the door.." Ren stated.

"What?!" Zero yelled. "Let me get this straight... you ordered Pizza, told the pizza man where we are and let them see Kaname..."

"Ummm...yes?" Ai, Ren and Kiyomi became frightened.

"Whats so bad about letting people see me...?" Kaname asked.

"Because no one knows where you are and now someone does and knows that you are human... which makes you a target." Zero said annoyed.

"Oh..." Kaname replied.

"Or maybe it was just a pizza dilvery man and youre freaking out over nothing!" Ai waved her arms around.

"Do not speak to me li-" Zero raised his finger.

"Im over 1000 years old I can say what I want!" Ai pushed her way out of the house and slammed the door.

"Ai!" Zero yelled. "AI!" He repeated louder.

"Zero, we can deal with her later, right now we need to figure out what were going to do about Kaname."

Zero sighed and turned to Kaname with an  annoyed stare. "Hes just as annoying as he was when he was a pureblood -._-." Zero thought.


Ai walked down the path to the Kuran manner, kicking the peddles that fell from the blooming cherry blossom trees and the scattered rocks, mumbling in anger.

"Eh, excuse me..." Ai turned around to see a man push back his black hair revealing his piercing blue eyes.


"Im sorry to bother you, but, you smell like a pureblood mixed with a dirty vampire. You are one of the Kriyu twins arent you?" The man smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets.

Dirty. Filth. Scum. Level E. Unfit. Mistake. Those were the words vampires used to describe Ai's father, Zero is not any of those things to Ai, Ren, or Yuki. And it pisses her off. "Look here you trash heep, my father is NOT dirty! Neither am I or my brother! Leave now or die." Ai clenched her fists.

"Hmmm. I think not, master wants you." The man started slowly taking his left hand out of his pocket.

"Oh really..." The ground around Ai began to crack. Quickly, pieces of the ground flew around Ai.

"Heh, cute." The man smirked. He quickly took his hand out of his pocket and Ai felt electric pain shoot through her entire body. She let out a scream as the pieces of ground dropped around her. The man didn't stop till she fell to her knees and then to the floor, letting her unconscious body be taken by the insulting dark haired man.


"Ok, so start back again, what did the pizza man look..." Everyone in the living room except Kaname looked over at the door wirh shock. "" Zero stepped quickly to the door and grabbed his coat. "Ren."

"Yes Father." Ren grabbed his gun off the coffee table and walked out the door.

"Kiyomi, stay here with your father. Ok?" Yuki started walking out along with Zero and Ren. She was stopped by a hand grabbing her wrist. "Kiyomi?"

"Ive already lost my mom, and Father Akasuki. I cant lose you guys too. Please stay Aunt Yuki." Kiyomi looked up at Yuki from the couch with pained eyes.

Yuki kissed Kiyomi on the forehead. "Itll be fine. We'll come back in a second I promise." Yukis wrist slipped from Kiyomis hand and Kiyomi watched her Aunt close the door behind her. Suddenly Kiyomi was being embraced from the side.

"I know the oranged haired man was more of a father to you than I will ever be, but, even if I dont remember, you are still my child and I dont want to see such pain on your beautiful face, Kiyomi." Kaname said. Kiyomi replied with a shift and I tight squeez around her fathers waist.

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