Chapter 9

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The Silver Gaurd Dog
And His Princess

Yuki entered the moon dorm gates after being stared at by the gaurd. She didnt ask permission in, she just past right through. Zero followed. He grabbed her shoulder. "Yuki... are you sure about this... you still can't handle Artemis." Yuki shook off Zeros hand.

"Im fine. I sense the presence but only slightly... plus I have you." Zero sighed. They approched the front doors and Yuki entered without hesitation. Seiren hopped down and bowed.

"My Lady... what are your reasons for being here so late at night?" Seiren stared at Zero.

"I must speak with my brother...step aside." Seiren did as Yuki asked but smacked her hand across Zero chest when he tried to pass.

"Day class students are not allowed passed the door."

Zero scoffed. "I am a guardian... I've also been given permission by one of your precious Pure Bloods."

"Seiren." Seiren looked over at Yuki, whom had red eyes. "Let Zero pass." Seiren obliged and let Zero pass but kept her eye on him. Yuki made her way to Kanames room and knocked on the door. With no reply Yuki entered. She slowly walked in with her hand hovered over her Artemis.

"I never thought, youd think of me as a threat... Yuki." Yuki stood straight and looked over at Kaname, who was staring out the window.

"Youre not whom I find threating. Where is he?"

"I dont understand... who are you asking for?" Kaname slid his eyes to Yuki then to Zero.

"That... that man..." Yuki clenched her fists. Kaname looked back at Yuki. "I know you sense it too..."

Kaname sighed. "I do... but its so shaded I cant tell where he stands... he clearly here for you... or rather your blood." Zero scoffed.

"He can try..." Zero mumbled.

Yuki and Kaname finished thier convorsation with a few butt-ins from Zero. Yuki found it odd as Kaname seemed to be fine. Then she realized Ruka entered when they left, without asking... then Ruka asked if Kaname was ok. She put the pieces together and saw they were getting closer, she felt that small part of her heart that attached its self to Kaname felt like it was being choked to death. She shook her head in order to stop thinking about it, Zero noticed.

"Yuki... are you- " Zero placed his hand on her shoulder but she stopped, he noticed her reach for her Artemis so he looked in her direction and saw Shiki and Ichijo walking towards him and Yuki. Shiki walked in a cocky fashion with his hands shoved in his pockets, while Ichijo walked behind with his hand ready by his sword. Shiki flipped his hair out of his face to reveal the eyes of the monster that stripped the childhood Yuki couldve had.

As Shiki passed Yuki he spoke. "My.. what a stern look on your face... Kuran Princess." Shikis eyes narrowed as Yukis widened. An evil smile cracked across Shikis face as he noticed Zero study him. Yuki turned and whipped her Artemis out, through the little shocks of pain the Artemis rod transformed into a scythe. Ichijos sword made contact with the base of Yukis scythe.

"Please. Do not hurt Shiki in the middle of this Kuran fude... my Lady..." Yuki scoffed and whipped around placing her Artemis back into her holster.

"Fine..." Yuki started to walk away.

"Yuki..." Zero followed. They walked back silently but Zero stared at Yuki worrying. Before they reached the door Zero grabbed Yukis arm. "Why did you try and kill Shiki Senri?"

"Did you not sense it? Did you not see his eyes?" Zero let go of Yuki. Before he could answer a persons voice peered from the shadows.

"Zero... my how mother and father would be disappointed to see you so close with a vampire... let alone a pure blood." Ichiru smirked.

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