Chapter 5

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Beauty and Her Beasts

Yuki ran back to her dorm to change into her day class uniform. As she ran out of her room she was stopped by a small hand fitting around her wrist. "Yuki!"

"Yori! Why arent you in class ye- " Yori hugged Yuki.

"I was so worried about you Yuki! I havent seen you since you and Kriyu ran out of class!"

"Yori... I appreciate your worry, but you're hurting me..." Yori quickly let go and finally noticed her bandages.

"Yuki! What happened?!"

Yuki thought for a moment. How could she explain? What explanation could she have? "I- um... Ill tell you later. Lets get to class."


Zero stared at the empty seats that usually Yuki and Sayori took. He narrowed his eyes. Why were they not there? After all Yuki was the only reason Zero was in the damn class today. He couldnt help notice Yogari stare at him with confusion and suspect in his eyes. Well... eye. The door at the back of the classroom slowly opened with Yori stepping in and sat in her seat. She turned her head to see Zero look at her with such worry. She smiled at him and then slid her eyes to the window. Zero took his hand away from balancing his head and looked out the window to see Yuki and also Kaname outside the building. Zero stood up and walked calmly out of the classroom.


"Yuki." Kaname reached for her hair but Yuki flitched away. "Are you scared of vampires now? But that makes no sense... becuase your beautiful scent is being clouded by- "

"Kaname." Kaname looked behind him without turning fully to see Zero walking towards him and Yuki. "Must I remind you, night class students are not allowed on these grounds during day class hours."

"Am I not allowed to just take a walk? If I choose so? How cruel." Kaname teased.

"But doesnt the sun- " Zero was suddenly infront of Yuki. "-bother you?"

"I dont mind. Although... you would know. Wouldnt you Kriyu?" Kaname still contained his monotone exterior but his eyes smiled evily at Zero. Zero clenched his teeth.

"Get back to your dorm Kuran. Youre disurbing the school environment. And youre stopping a student from getting to her studies. And I should tell you, thats enough for me to give punishment." Zero reached into his jacket and started to pull his gun out. Yuki quickly stood infront of Kaname woth her arms out.

"Zero! Stop this. You as well Kaname. And Kaname... I think its best if you go back to your dorm thank you for checking on me."

Kaname sighed and went back to his dorm.

"The nerve of that guy... I just- "

"Zero. Its fine. Lets go back." Zero continued to stare at Kaname as he kept walking away. Yuki sighed and rolled her eyes. She took Zeros hand and led him back. Zero snapped to reality and stared at thier hands. They got back into class and Yuki let go of Zero. As students noticed Yukis bandages they started murmuring and gossiping.

"I saw her running out of Kriyus dorm this morning." One whispered.

"Guess they got a little to freaky." One giggled. Yuki heard this and with wide eyes eyes and blushed completion she held the tears back. If only they knew the pain Zero was in. They wouldn't make such harsh jokes. She wanted to focus on Zeros feelings... but she couldnt help being hurt by thier comments. Zero waited outside the classroom door after school was done. When the two students - that made the hateful comments- came out Zero approched them. "You two. Come with me."
The two students walked for behind Zero. Whispering. Zero stopped at the end of the hall. "Make one more comment of Yuki you'll have detention slips so far up your ass detention will become a second home to you! You little assholes can say whatever you want about me but keep Yuki out of it. Got it?" The two nervously nodded. "Now go." The two ran.

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