Me, Tallulah

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Maybe I should tell you about myself before things get heavy.

I, your narrator, am Tallulah.

Tallulah Brooke Bay.

But if Tallulah is too long for you, I have nicknames.

Tal, Tally, Lulu Lala, Lula, Ali

Anything's fine, really.

Just not Lulu-Bear.

'Cause that was her name for me.

People say I'm shy.

Others say I'm snobby.

Some call me reserved,

I'll let you decide.

Maybe it's 'cause of stories

Of my past.

Oh sorry,

I'm getting ahead of myself.

I am simply average,

probably just like you.

Not gorgeous and popular,

or ugly and an outcast.


maybe a little of a recluse,

But I only have myself to blame

for that.

I am

not skinny and tall,

or round and short.

but just in between.

There's nothing extraordinary about me on the outside.

Really, I'm not being modest.

Ash blonde hair, hazel brown-eyes, seventeen years-old.

I'm just like a sixty-fourth of the American population.

I don't wear extravagent

flowy dresses,

or designer clothes.

Just t-shirts and jeans and the occasional sundress.

I don't wear heels to school,

or flats,

or combat boots.

It's always sneakers or canvas shoes.

I don't put on make-up.

It's like asking for girls and boys

to befriend you,

to notice you.

I don't really


to be noticed,

if you can tell.

Even in a class,

I'm just the girl sitting in the corner.

Smart but


But my stories,

my background,

You'd never guess,

no one ever does.

Unless they've heard the rumours.

But even then,

I'm not even sure if they're

the Truth.

At school,

No one knew who I was

except Adam and the teachers.

Until the day suicide was committed around me.

At first, they thought I had something to do

with his suicide.

But I hadn't even

been there.

Me, being the

goody-two shoes girl that I am,

Never made any enemies.

So people vouched for me.

But still,

two suicides

make people

whisper stories.

Stories that makes people turn their heads.

Stories that makes people pay attention to me.

The ones that makes people do a double-take and whisper about me

Some of them are stories I'm about to tell you.

What I'm about to tell you are the stories about about death, tragedy and love, among other things.



I'm really sorry guys, the formatting doesn't seem to work on Wattpad. It's supposed to be four lines and then new stanza. The last line is supposed to be a line by itself with no stanza to follow.

I know free verse is kind of annoying to read sometimes, but please give this a chance. I tried writing it in regular prose, but I felt like the story wouldn't have the same haunting quality to it that I get with free verse. In truth, I'm trying free verse myself. The only free verse experience I have is reaing Ellen Hopkins's books and "Song of the Sparrow" by Lisa Ann Sandall.

I haven't decided on a title yet and so it will change constantly. You might have to wait an extremely long time for the next chapter but please don't give up on me!

So if you do like it, comment, vote or even recommending it to your friend.

Thanks so much!

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