Just A Few Words

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I always wondered why people committed suicide.

Taking their own priviledged lives.

Was life really that bad?

That terrible?

Sure, I've felt depression before.

Hasn't everyone?

That sense of being alone.

That feeling that it's all hopeless.

That cold feeling

that crawls inside you,

refuses to go away and

becomes a permanent resident.

It becomes a nagging doubt,

something that tells you

you're never going to succeed,

no one needs you around.

It comes to pass,

but you'll always 

remember that feeling, and

it haunts you whenever you're weak.

It's a depressing place we live in.




Only a few

lucky ones

can find themselves a happy story.

I'm not one of them. At least, not right now.

But never, did I ever think of taking my life.

I didn't think my friends, or family did either.

That's what I thought.

until two of my friends committed suicide.

They weren't people I just knew in our town.

They weren't simply classmates.

They were close to me.

People I'd trust my life with.

They were special to me.

I thought I knew everything about them.

I always thought I told them everything and they told me everything.

Turns out, I was wrong.



Quite literally.

How ironic.

Adam Bishop.

Carina Bay.

My best friend.

My sister.

Both of them were the 

only people besides Tate that I really talked to.

The only people who would listen to my quiet voice,

the only ones who cared.

Turns out,

they didn't

care about

their own lives.





Because six months ago

for Adam,

and four months ago

for Carina.

They'd taken their own lives.

Offed themselves, (Even though neither of them used a gun.)

Whatever you want to call it.

But no matter want you call it,

Nothing changes the fact that they're dead.


Right. I think I am finally okay with how the story is going to go. If any of the formatting goes wrong, I'm sorry! Please comment and vote, but don't feel obliged to!

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