Author's Note

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Oh my gods. I finished it. I freaking finished writing this.

Now if you're bothering to read this, kudos to you because I know I only read the ANs occasionally.

But yeah, I want to thank anyone who decided to read it. Even if said person does not see these words. Thank you. Xie Xie. Arigatou. Merci. Gracias. I cannot even express my gratitude.

I started writing this story when I was in a pretty dark place. I was feeling hopeless, pretty depressed, and my thoughts were really jumbled. I didn't know who I was, who I wanted to be, why I even bothered to live, besides books, friends, music and tv shows. Admit it, most of those are pretty antisocial.

Halfway through the story, yeah, if you paid attention, I started preaching. I don't like it when people preach, but I hate it even more when the messages are hidden. I'm not a subtle type of person. But if you're wondering why I started preaching halfway is because I wasn't in that dark place anymore. I don't remember exactly what turned the tide, but I just found a better place to think in. I didn't want to be haunted by Adam and Carina. They were fictional, yes, but to me, everyone was real.

Which brings us to another point.

Yes. Everything in this book is fictional except the problems. Depression is real. Suicide is real. Its real and out there and killing. Depression affects so many people, more than 350 million in the world as I write this.

You hold the power to change someone's life. You. Yes, you the person reading this right now. And use it for the good. If you know or suspect anyone is depressed, a simple invitation, a simple show that you're there is a great. Be a friend and that is plenty. But if it gets more serious, don't be afraid to seek help. Ask a school counselor, a trusted adult or call the national suicide help line. I've done a bit of research and I have found a website that gives world wide help lines.

Again, if you read this, if you take this to heart, I am so grateful you don't even know.

Vivian out. :)

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