Hidden Demons

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It's time to travel again.

back to the time,

when Adam and I were ten,

and Carina was eighteen.

This time I'm going to add a lot

of random thoughts.

Just a simple warning,

from a complicated person.

We were fighting

a lot.

Every second day,

or so.

Dad didn't mind.

He didn't notice,

After all,

too busy locked up in his messy study.

Jacob couldn't care less.

All he cared about,

were the latest video games,

And his cheerleader girlfriend.

Tate tried to play the peacekeeper,

the mediator.

Every time

Carina and I fought.


If you didn't know, dear reader,

girls are stronger-willed than you think.

Much stronger.

Tate watched on helplessly,

through our shouting matches.

I felt bad for him-

but only a little.

During the evening,

Carina and I fought,

And during the day,

Adam and I fought.

It's always about the weirdest things,

with Adam and me.

Once it was about his alien theory,

Another about the Pokemon game Adam always ditched me for.


Pokemon games were in at this time.

Kids would go to the corner stores,

in search for the cards that sold out fast.

I looked disdainfully at them.

Why would you waste money on something

That's only going to fade into dust

in a few years?

This is just a thought I want you to think of, reader.

It really has nothing to do with the story.

But remember the time you got Pokemon cards?

Do you still have them today?

I bet the answer is no.

Sorry, reader,

I don't mean any offense.

But let's return to the story.

One of the leaders of the game


Micah Levine.

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