Chapter 1-Moving To L.A.

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"Rhiannon are you all packed?" My mom asks. I zip up my last suitcase.

"Yeah I am." I say trying to hold back the tears. My name is Rhiannon, I'm 18 and I just graduated high school.

I am about to move to West Hollywood for college. That's quite a distance from home, because I live in Iowa. Manchester, to be exact. I love it here and I'll miss it but I have to get on with my life, and luckily I got a full ride to college, which coming from a very unfortunate family, this is a miracle. 

My mom hands me my car keys while my dad and big brothers pack my bags into the trunk. 

"I'm going to miss you so much. Call me as soon as you get there." She says kissing my cheek. I hug my dad and brothers then head off. Driving to California will be fun as hell. Long but fun. ROAD TRIP! 

*Skip 2 day drive*

Finally I arrive in L.A. It's huge and beautiful. The lights, the people walking the streets, the musicians, the models. It's beautiful. I love it already. College is gonna be great I hope. Although, I have to stay in a house with a roommate that lives down the street from the college and who also attends it. 

Don't know the name or gender, but I assume it's a girl hopefully. Maybe someone I can be friends with that will show me around the city, and the campus that would be pretty cool. 

My GPS says that I have arrived to my destination which is at a front gate. There's a small shack and a guard is standing there. 

"How can I help you lady?"

"Uh, I'm Rhiannon White, I'm supposed to be here. I'm currently going to be residing here." I say unsure.

"Ahhh, You're Rhiannon huh? Beautiful. Mr. Rife is waiting." He says opening the gate. Mr.? My roommates a guy?

I pull up to the front where there are 3 "bellhops" like you have at a hotel.

"Ms. White. I am the butler Joe, Mr. Rife is currently not home. He will be home for dinner. These are the others who will be helping you take your bags to your room. It's nice to meet you." A man in a tux says.

"Likewise. Thank you for the help guys. I appreciate it." I smile. 

I follow the men to my room. "Welcome to your room miss White, your bathroom is through there. Get comfortable. Dinner will be in an hour. I'll send up for you. Mr. Rife expects you to be dressed nicely." Joe says leaving me to unpack.

I look around my new room in awe. This is beautiful. On the left of me there is a beautiful fire place with 3 silver candle holders, a long chair with maroon and white pillows, to the front there's a plant on both sides of the fireplace, next to another plant there's another long chair and same colored pillows. Behind the second chair is a balcony and beautiful view of the trees. All the way at the back there is like a hangout area with a lamp, a plant, 2 love seat couches and more windows along the right side of the wall. Then there's my beautiful full size bed and a clear glass bedside table. 

Breathtaking I must say. I decide to check out the bathroom next.

The bathroom is even more beautiful. There's a counter to the left of me where a beautiful bathtub sits. Looks like a mini swimming pool. In the wall a fire place sits, then there is a clear shower with a wrap around bench inside of it. Straight ahead there's a dresser and a make-up area. The floors are clean and gorgeous. Would hate to make this dirty. 

I think I will love it here even if my roommate is a rich boy. 

I decide to unpack a little. Once I begin putting away things I realize that I have 15 minutes til dinner. I run to the bathroom and quickly take a warm shower, once I am finished I put on a white dress with cream heels. 

Living With The Bad Boy//Matt RifeWhere stories live. Discover now