Chapter 29-Huh?

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After we made it past pictures and ridiculous questions, and interviews we were finally able to sit down together. The arena fills up quickly with all the major musicians, actors/actresses, models, and YouTubers.

Crazy that I had the chance to come here. Not many people can say they are best friends with dirty rich boys, who have dirty rich and famous friends. Not many people can say that they are a fake girlfriend to a member of a famous band who's only rising higher.

This will be an interesting night. After the arena is full of people and their families, the awards begin. 

The hosts come out on stage, which are Anne Hathaway and Seth McFarlane. Two of the best actors out there. 

"Welcome to the 2017 Live Music and Acting Awards. I'm Anne Hathaway and this is my co-host Seth McFarlane." (Don't think this is a real thing. Just made it up If it's real sweet!) 

"Now the award for the Best International Rising Band. 5 Seconds Of Summer!" 

Luke looks at me shocked. "Go!" I say. He smiles and they walk onto the stage. They accept their award and do some speeches. 

"I'd like to thank my family, my fans, all my really good friends and my girlfriend Rhiannon for giving me this amazing opportunity to be here and make music." 

I smile. Even though Luke and I are 'fake' dating, he mentioned me when he didn't have to.

"Rhi can you come up here?" Luke asks. My eyes widen. Michael steps down from the stage to offer me a hand. I stand up then slip my hand into Michaels. He helps me up the stage and Luke pulls to him.

He crashes his lips to mine. "Thank you Beautiful for making everything I've done, possible. Thank you for motivating me. Without you I'd be nothing." He says after pulling away. 

Aww's are heard from the crowd. "Rhiannon, I love you." My heart flutters and I freeze. I know this is all fake but I have to play along. 

"I love you too Luke. So much." I say. Only as a friend....But the world knows nothing. And they never will.

We walk off the stage and sit back down. "I really love you but as a friend, You know that right?" Luke asks.

"Of course I know that Luke, You're just helping me get back at Matt. I know." I chuckle.

"You learn fast." He says. I shrug.

"What can I say? I'm a good girl." 

"Not after Matt get's a hold of you." He mumbles. I don't think I was meant to hear that though. What does he mean by that? I mean yeah Matt's a bad boy and all but I thought I was rubbing off on him.

I decide to discard it. After three hours of sitting in this hard seat in the arena it's time to leave. It's literally eleven at night and we still have an hour drive back to my house.

"Are you ready to get home? You look exhausted." Ashton says. I nod.

"Yeah. I am. And it's like atleast an hour to get back to my place, not to mention traffic so that could be another hour if traffic sucks." I say. 

"We'll get you there. Come on." Michael says helping me up. 

"Hey I have to go. My mom called she said it's really important. I'll catch up with you guys later. Michael can you get her home safely please? Rhi I promise I will stop by tomorrow to make sure you made it." Luke says looking nervous. 

I chuckle. "Go on Luke. I'll text you when I get home." I say. He nods and disappears. 

"Right mates. Let's get this lovely home in one piece otherwise Luke will kill us." Michael says. After standing crowded we make it to the limo. I get in and the others make sure that I will make it home.

"You're not really Luke's girlfriend are you." Michael states.

"Of course I am." I say smiling. I'm trying to keep my lie as straight as possible.

"He would have told us." 

"Well, maybe he values this one so much he didn't want to tell you until he was ready. Maybe he didn't want to tell you anything until he was sure that it would last." I say looking at them innocently. 

"Yeah that's true. You're right. We should just take a step away from his business and let him have his personal life as well." Calum says. 

"Congratulations on your award tonight you guys. I'm really proud of you." I say as the limo stops in front of my home. 

"Thanks. Have a good night." 

"Thank you for making sure I got home safe. Have a good night, it was great to meet you guys." I smile getting out of the limo.

"Likewise Rhiannon." They say in sync. I smile at them then walk inside the house after they leave. 

Matt and that girl are on the couch cuddled up watching a movie. Matt's eyes wonder to me then back to the T.V. I rush upstairs to my room. 

I walk in and see Grayson asleep in my bed with tear stained cheeks. My heart breaks for him. I sigh and quickly shower then put on comfy clothes. I decide to let him stay in the bed. I lay on one of my couches across the room.

I close my eyes thinking about how much I miss the good times with Grayson, but I also dwell on my love for Matt. Him and I are no longer on good terms it feels like because all we did before I left was fight. 

I feel as if we are back to square one. Back to when I moved in, the first couple months we fought because he was a fuckboy. He brought girls home then lied to Kate about it. Eventually, she found out. My heart hurts bad.

I really like Matt. I hate myself because like I said. I'm falling for a fuckboy. A fuckboy who doesn't feel the same. No matter how many people tell me otherwise. 

I know that he doesn't feel the same, and even if he really does until he tells me that then I won't believe it. For all I know it could be hear-say from people, so that I will stay here instead of giving up and leaving. 

"Rhi can we talk please?" I hear Matt's voice. I look up at him.

"About what Matt? Didn't you say everything earlier?" I ask. 

"Not everything. Not yet." He says.

"Really? Okay then shoot." 

"I have feelings for you too." 

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