Chapter 27-What The Hell Was That?!

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It's been a few days since the incident that took place in Matt's bathroom, and since that day we haven't spoken to one another. Nobody else knows about the kiss yet, and preferably that is how I want it. 

After Matt kissed me I felt fireworks and a burning desire for him. Something I failed to feel with Grayson. I mean don't get me wrong I felt something with Gray, it was more of a soft passionate thing. 

With Matt I felt it all after one kiss. Just one kiss and I knew who and what I wanted.

Currently, I am crawling out of my bed to go shower so I can go to class and turn in this project I finally finished. I turn on the hot water so that it can warm up, then I slowly peel my clothes off of me. I step into the shower once it begins warming up.

The warmth of the water surrounds my cold skin. I begin to relax some. I take a quick shower, then do my makeup for the first time in awhile. I choose an outfit that I bought but haven't worn yet. 

I choose a white shirt that hangs off my shoulders, with black leather pants and a pair of white heels to complete it. I grab my portfolio then walk downstairs. I see everyone in the living room talking and laughing. Well except Matt. He probably left early. 

Grayson and Lily are even here, but that's okay, I'm over them. "Morning there kid!" Luke says. 

I smile at him. "Morning Luke. I'm off to class to turn in my project." I say grabbing my keys. 

"You look good Rhi." Gray says smiling at me. 

"Thanks Gray. Ya'll have a good day. I'll be out for awhile." I say walking out of the door. It wasn't too bad yet. I mean to be honest I forgave Grayson, but I haven't told anyone that. Yet. 

I think once I figure all this relationship shit out I can forgive Grayson for sure. I get in my car and drive to the college campus. I'm turning in my last project of the semester. I'm almost through this college thing. 

Another year and I will have my degree to be a professional. I park my car and walk into the building only to be met with Matt and another girl making out. I swallow hard but keep walking. I hate that I'm falling for him.

I step into Mr. Wilk's class. He is sitting at his desk. "Morning Wilk. Here's my last project." I say putting it on his desk.

He doesn't look up at me yet. When he does his jaw drops. "Uh-I-thanks Rhi. We aren't having class today. I'll see you in a couple weeks for finals. Have a good vacation." He says. 

"Alright. You too." I say. I walk back into the hallway to see Matt is no longer there or that girl. I get into my car and drive home. 

I see Matt's car is here again. I shrug and walk in pissed off because I literally have fallen for a fuckboy. Grayson and Lily are cuddling, Tamara and DC are cuddling, Kate and Nick are a thing apparently too. I then spot them. 

Matt and that stranger. She's the same girl who called me ugly when I got here a year ago. I take a deep breath. Luke looks weirded out. He is standing by the railing on the loft. I decide I will get back at Matt because I can.

I go up to the loft and kiss Luke. He kisses back immediately not even thinking twice. I pull back after a minute. 

"Wow. That was amazing." Luke and I say in sync. 

"Seriously Rhi?" I hear Matt say. I look at him and everyone else. I smirk.

"Maybe next time you'll think twice before you kiss me one day and then make out with another bitch three days later." I say beginning to walk to my room.

"Hey Rhi?" I hear Luke ask.


"You wanna go to my red carpet thing with me tonight? I need a date and seeing as you're the only single one here." He says. I turn to look at him.

"I'd love to accompany you Luke." 

"Be ready by 8." He says. I smile and walk to my room. I look at the time. It's only 3 so I sit on my bed and play on my laptop. 

Matt barges into my room then slams my door locking it. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT RHIANNON WHITE?!?!" He screams at me. I laugh my ass off. 

"Seriously Matt? What was that? You're being a dumbass! You wanna know what that was? That was this beautiful thing called Revenge you idiot!! You tell me why you kiss me one day then you're making out with that whore three days later in the fucking hallways of school! I can't believe I'm about to tell you this, BUT I'M LITERALLY FALLING FOR A FUCKBOY. I'M FALLING FOR YOU STUPID!" I scream back. 

"What?" He says more calmly. 

"Just go Matt. Leave me alone." I say. 

"Rhi, I'm so-"

"Matt please just go because you're only going to make it worse." I say. He bites his lip, and nods. He sighs but leaves my room like I asked. 

I can't believe I just fricking told him that. I can't believe myself at the moment. 

Matthew Steven Rife what have you been doing to me?

I don't know what Matt's middle name is and I can't find it anywhere. He may not even have one, so I just made it up okay? If you know what his middle name is please message me and let me know so I can fix it. Thanks! ILYSM! <3 

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