Chapter 16-Feelings?

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly throughout my room. I look around to see the bed empty where Grayson had been previously. I answer without looking at the caller I.D.


"Rhi can you please come over to my house. I really need you right now." I hear Matt's voice. It's laced with worry. 

"Matt what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I ask.

"I don't think so. I mean I went to the mall with Ethan and then came home. Kate and I got into a huge fight next thing I know she's leaving pissed off with some dude. I'm upset. I need my best friend." He says. I sigh. 

"I'll be there in an hour." I say hanging up. I crawl out of bed and put on some jeans with a t-shirt and boots. I grab my car keys, then trudge down the stairs. I walk past the kitchen where Grayson was sitting.

"Good morning Baby! How you feeling?" He asks. I kiss him. 

"Better than I was 4 days ago. I'm going over to Matt's he wanted to talk. Him and Kate got in a fight and he wanted to vent. I'll be back later." I say kissing his cheek then heading out. I text Matt letting him know I am on my way. 

I hope that him and Kate don't break up. I wonder what they even fought about. Was it a really bad fight?

I arrive to Matt's house and walk inside. "Matt!" I holler through the house. He races down the stairs, eyes red. He hugs me tightly, and reeks of weed. 

"Matt you smell like weed. Yuck. What happened?" I ask. 

"She got mad at me for going to the mall with Ethan. I didn't spend time with her these past few weeks cause we were in Iowa but I went to the mall to get her a gift, and before I got a chance to explain anything she left. I don't know if we are breaking up or what's going on. I really want things to work out." 

"Sorry to hear it. Here's my opinion, if you guys fizzled out once then maybe you weren't meant to be. I don't know. Don't take much of my advice anyways, I've never been in a relationship before. Gray's my first." I say. 

"What do you think I should do Rhi? I'm lost." He says. 

"Matt you really wanna know what I think you should do?" I ask. He nods furiously.

"Break up. Maybe you're only meant to be friends. You've fizzled out once, you've hurt her once. Maybe it's best you both move on." I say. He nods and walks upstairs. I sigh but follow him.

"I think you're right, hey Rhi can I tell you something?" He asks.

"You can tell me anything Matt." 

"I have feelings for another woman. Normally, I like older women but this girl is a couple years younger. She's such a good girl. She's like you, she's a good girl. She don't drink or party. She goes to school, work and home. She has a boyfriend though. She and I were close until I messed up. I want her to come back to me. I want you to come home Rhi. I miss you so much. I have feelings for you." 

Air hitches in my throat as Matt says that he has feelings for me. At this point I can't speak, nor breath correctly. I just stare at him like I saw a ghost. He looks down at the floor.

"Please say something Rhiannon." 

"Matt-I, d-don't know what to s-say." I stutter.

"I get it. It's new for you too. Look I think I will be fine. Get home to Grayson. He'll be worried." He says. I sigh quietly but walk out of his room, down the stairs, and out of his house. 

I slowly get into the car knowing that this is the worst thing I could do to him. I like Matt so much, but I gave up on him. I got with Grayson and I really love having what I have with him. I start my car and reluctantly drive back home.

I go inside the house. Gray is sitting on the stairs with 2 bouquets of flowers in his hands. 

"Hey beautiful. How is he?" He asks handing the flowers to me. 

"Hey babe. He will be okay." I smile. I put the flowers in a vase then go back to the staircase with Gray.

"Good. Come on I want to show you something." He says holding his hand out for me. I take it then follow him up the stairs. We stop in front of a set of oak double doors. 

"This is my room. I thought maybe I should show it to you since we're a couple now." He says. 

"Okay." I say. He pushes the doors open lightly. I step in and see the most beautiful room ever. When you walk in there's a beautiful full size bed, with silk like bedding. Above that there's a ceiling fan.

To the right there's windows aligning the wall overlooking the city. Next to that is a T.V. mounted on the wall with a small table and plant underneath. 

On the other side of the T.V. is another set of 2 windows. Next to that is a fire place with a couch in front of it. The room in itself is fit for a God like Grayson. 

I look up at him with a huge smile. "This room is perfect. It's the perfect fit for a God like you." I say still in complete awe.

"Well a God has to have a Goddess by his side." He says. My jaw drops at the fact he just called me a Goddess. Better yet. His Goddess. 

"Come on. I wanna show you the bathroom." He says pulling me towards another set of double doors. 

"Okay then." I say. 

"Go on in." He says. I push open the doors to be greeted with a bathroom for a fucking King. 

There's mirrors everywhere, in the center of the bathroom there's a bathtub with a chandelier above it. Behind the tub there is a sauna and a shower. The beauty of this bathroom is beyond amazing.

"Here is the bathroom of the God and Goddess." Gray says. I walk through the bathroom, and stand at the counter to look around. 

Gray comes up behind me and kisses me passionately. 

"I've never said this to any other woman before except one, but. Rhiannon White I think I love you." He says. 

Bedroom ^^

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Bedroom ^^

Bathroom ^^

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Bathroom ^^

Living With The Bad Boy//Matt RifeWhere stories live. Discover now