Chapter 22-Getting Help

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-3 months later-

-Matt's POV-

So it's been a few months since Grayson and Rhiannon broke up. She hasn't talked to me since that day. She told me he cheated on her and she has nowhere to go. She was going to move to the dorms on campus but they didn't have an empty room, so I took her back in under my wing.

Since the breakup she hasn't been the same. Grayson really hurt her. He is also my best friend so I can't exactly take one side over the other. I don't favor either one but it might seem as such, only because he fucked up bad. 

He knew that she was new to the relationship world. She gave him whatever she could, when she could. She loved him when nobody else wanted too, she loved him when he was horrible to Ethan for coming out. She loved him through every little issue at the studio with his clients, she loved him through everything. That girl loved him harder than anyone has ever loved him.

She has been depressed since then. She has been failing her classes, she quit her job, she barely comes down to eat, and she barely talks to anyone. I still try to atleast get her to eat. I can't get through very often but when I do I feel accomplished.

"Hey bro. How's Rhi doing?" I hear Nick say from behind me.

"I don't know. Bad last I checked. I haven't been up to her room yet." I say looking at him.

"She's going to get through this. Grayson may have fucked her up, but she will show the world that she is much stronger than that. At this point she is just giving him the satisfaction he wants by not being herself." Tamara says. 

"I hope she does get through this. She is tainted right now." I say. 

"She won't be forever. My brother's a dick for doing that to her. I don't get why he even did that. That's not him, and to be honest do you realize how hard it is to be ignored by the person who was there for you the most when you needed them? Do you understand what it's like to be pushed away from the person who protected you for a long time because nobody else would? It's awful. She's my best friend and I have a burning anger towards Grayson for doing that because I look just like him. I'm his identical twin and because of his mistakes, I have to pay for it too. I hate it and she needs help. We have to help her. Now. I miss her." Ethan says. 

My heart breaks at those words because Ethan's right. Rhi and I were there forever. Rhi was there 24/7 to protect him from everyone. He cut all the time, and she saved him. He wanted to die every second of the day because of how he got treated due to his sexuality. Rhi saved his life.

Now it's our turn to save hers.

-Rhi's POV-

I am shaken awake by a sweet voice singing in my ear. I flutter my eyes open to Ethan and Matt standing there. Looking at Ethan breaks my heart because he reminds me of him. I love Gray so much still, and I can't take the fact I was hurt like that.

I hurt so much I don't want to be alive anymore. Cliche as fuck I know, but it's the truth. 

"Go away." I groan. 

"No. Rhiannon we need to talk to you. It's really important." Matt says. I turn over in my bed to ignore them, and pull the covers over my face. I just want to sleep.

The covers are then roughly pulled off me. I groan loudly knowing I won't win this war. 

"What the fuck do you want? I need to go back to sleep." I say harshly.

"You're going to get dressed right now. Something casual. Then we are taking you to see a therapist. You need one. You're going. Be dressed in an hour otherwise we will dress you and carry you ourselves." Matt says sternly. Him and Ethan walk out leaving me by myself.

That's the most I have talked to them in 3 months. I don't want to move but I know he's truly serious. I mean maybe a therapist will help but I don't know. 

I get out of my bed then walk straight to my closet. I look through my options and pull something out that might make me feel good and confident. Something I haven't been in weeks.

I choose a black t-shirt tied like a crop top, black fishnets, and ripped jeans to over them. I pick a pair of silver Nike's then put my hair up into a bun.

I really don't want to go see a therapist, but if it helps me then I will try it. Can't know until you try.

I trudge downstairs knowing that I will see more than just Ethan and Matt. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, Tamara, Kate, Nick, DC, Ethan, Matt and one of Matt's friends I just recently met Luke is here.

"There she is. Haven't seen you in good minute." Nick says hugging me. I shrug but say nothing. 

"You ready?" Matt asks.

I quietly nod. I know I should be talking but for some reason I can't bring myself to say a word. Maybe it's because I am hurting so bad that silence is the best thing for me right now.

Matt and Ethan help me to the car. The others follow us and ride in another vehicle while we go to the therapist.

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