Chapter 10-Moving In With Grayson

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I am awoken by Matt gently shaking me. I look up at a very tired Matt. His eyes are red, and swollen. He's been crying all night I can tell. 

"Matt what's wrong? What time is it?" I ask.

"It's 3 am. I need you right now please." He begs. I sigh but scoot over and let him crawl under the blanket with me. 

"Please Rhi don't go. I don't want to be alone here." He begs. I sigh tears welling in my eyes knowing that it will be hard. 

"I'm so sorry Matt, but I can't stay." I say. He pulls me into a tight cuddle. Before long his light snores fill the room. Tears fall from my eyes onto my pillow as my back faces Matt. I don't want to leave.

However, it's best that I do. Honestly, I should just go back to Iowa. My brothers dying yet I'm here trying to follow a dream that can wait. My brother's life isn't guaranteed. The whole world just feels like it's crashing down on me. 

I turn over to face a peaceful Matt. I caress his cheek and fall back asleep slowly. 

-Morning Time-

I wake up to the light snores coming from Matt. I take a deep breath and crawl out of the bed. I grab my bags that I am taking, then leave a note for Matt.

"Left to Grayson and Ethan's house. The keys to the Audi are on the kitchen counter, the clothes, and shoes you bought me are in the closet still. Take them back and get your money back if you want. Call me later. -Love Rhi." 

With that I go downstairs to pack my car then wait for Grayson to arrive. 

An unfamiliar car pulls up into the driveway next to mine. I see my blonde best friend and his twin brother get out of the car. 

"Rhiannon. How are you dear?" Gray asks.

"I'm okay." I say trying to hold back tears. Ethan notices this, and pulls me into a hug.

"It'll be okay. Matt will be okay, come on lets get you out of here." He says. I nod getting into my car. I follow them to their house. When we arrive I take the whole house in. It's amazing. 

Gray leads me inside to the foyer. When you first walk in there's a small table with a rug under it, then to your left is a large room, to the right there's a dining room, straight ahead is the double winding staircase, a piano and plants. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling above complimenting the room completely.

"This is gorgeous." I say in awe. 

"Just wait til you see your room." Gray says leading me up the staircase and taking a right. 

"This wing is where my guests stay if we ever have any." He smiles. His smile is beautiful. 

"So I'll be sleeping in the guest room?"

"It used to be a guest room. We had it fixed up just for you, It's your room forever. Whether you stay or not. Here's the key." He says handing me a key to a set of double doors.

I smile as I put the key into the lock opening the doors. I step in and see the most beautiful room I have ever seen in my life.

It's a lavender accented room. I take in the sight before me in complete awe. When you enter first there is a padded wall to the left where the bed sits. At the end of the bed there's a purple leather footstool. At the other side of the room there's a living room like section.

There's a wrap around couch, another purple footstool, a long chair, windows line the walls, and there's a balcony that looks over the ocean. In both sections there's a small chandelier from the ceiling. 

"It's beautiful. You had this done for me?" I ask. 

"We did." 

"This is so beautiful, I absolutely love this Grayson." I smile at him. 

"Your bathroom is through there. Go check it out you will love it too." He says. I slowly make my way to the bathroom. 

It's a pastel color with a small tub, and a large clear shower. On the wall it over looks the beach just like my bedroom. 

"This is beautiful too. I love this so much. Grayson thank you for letting me stay here." I say looking at the blonde boy who is smiling down at me.

"Not a problem gorgeous. Go on get unpacked. Relax, and I will be up in an hour to get you for dinner okay?"

"Alright. See you in an hour Gray." I say smiling. He kisses my cheek gently then walks away. My heart begins to flutter a little. 

Please Lord don't let me fall for Grayson Bailey Dolan.

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