Chapter 5-Trying To Comfort

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"Matt I'm so sorry to hear that. How about this, you go inside, take a hot shower, change into something comfortable and we will watch movies or something. Okay?" He again nods but stays quiet. 

I help Matt into the house and he trudges upstairs. I go to my room to relax. I hear Matt's shower turn on. His shower ends in five minutes.

"Rhiannon!" He hollers. I rush to his room. 

"Matt what's wrong?" I ask frantic. 

"Nothing I'm ready to watch something." He says coming out of his bathroom. He is standing there in a beanie with glasses and grey sweats. 

"Oh okay." I smile. "Living room?" 

"No, in here." He smiles. First smile in two months. I look around his room. It's black and has windows facing the city. There's a bench part to sit in front of the windows, black out curtains and then there's a small T.V. a DVD player on the wall. In front of that is a small coffee table, a couch in front of the table and behind that is the bed with two nightstands.

"Alright, let me go change into something real fast." I say.

"Here wear these. You can change in my bathroom." He says handing me a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I nod and thank him. I walk into his bathroom to quickly change.

While I'm changing I take in the surroundings of his bathroom. It's so beautiful. 

He literally has a hot tub in his bathroom. Technically, it's his Jacuzzi bathtub. Next to it is a sauna section, then he has a shower on the side. Next to the shower is a T.V. 

I take it all in. I change quickly before Matt wonders what the hell I am doing. I go back into his room where he is sprawled out on his bed. I giggle a little. I sit on the couch at the end of his bed while he finds something on Netflix.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asks.

"Anything is fine with me. You pick." I say. He chooses Stranger Things so that's what we watch.

When the episode is over he pauses the next one then looks at me intensely. 

"You alright?" I ask. He puffs out his bottom lip.

"I'm sad, come up here with me and make me feel better." He says patting the space next to him. I crawl onto his bed. I keep my distance but he decides he's gonna pull me closer to him. So I just give in and cuddle with him knowing it's innocent, he's just sad right now.

I play with his hair while he snuggles into my shoulder. His arms instinctively wrap around my waist. Soon I am hearing soft snores. He fell asleep on me. I decide to get comfy because Matt probably won't be waking up anytime soon or loosening this death grip he has on me.

Whenever Matt is sad, I will do anything to make him smile again. He is my roommate after all. He is a sweet guy, he just doesn't show it to anybody. 

As I am falling asleep my phone begins to vibrate. I look to see that Kate is calling me. I carefully pry Matt off of me then step to my room. 

"Hey Kate what's up?" I answer.

"I broke up with Matt. Is he okay? Have you heard from him?"

"He's not doing good, but he's asleep so he's at peace right now. Why did you break up anyways?" I ask.

"We just kind of fizzled out. He was a bit young for me, and not only that but we were just having fun. Not to mention he's a fuckboy who cheats. I'm mad at him for that. Look I gotta go but maybe we can hang later this week?" 

"Sure. Talk later." I say hanging up. I sigh knowing that Kate was right about the cheating thing...I knew he was but I won't tell her that, no matter how bad Matt does me. 

I put my phone on the charger then lay down in my bed. Matt's going to be okay I know he will be. I text Grayson real quick. 

R-Hey talked with Matt.

G-Nice! Meet me somewhere so we can talk?

R-Sure! Where at?

G-The mall that Matt goes to.

R-Okay be there in 15! 

I put my shoes on then grab my phone and keys. I leave a note for Matt on his nightstand.

"Went to the mall to talk to Grayson. Call if you need anything sweetie! -Rhi <3."

I get rush to my car after locking the door and head off to the mall. I will be meeting Grayson in the food court by chik-fil-a. I look around from my table waiting to see him. Soon the blonde haired boy is sitting in front of me smiling.

"Hey Gray what's up?"

"Nothing, so how is Matt?" 

"He's going to be okay, Kate broke up with him today but do not tell him I told you." I say. 

"Kate told us already. I'm only having you meet me here because I need to know, did you know that Matt was cheating on Kate?" He asks.

"No, of course I didn't. He knows her and I are close. He's not that stupid because I would've told her awhile ago." I say covering for Matt once again.

"Okay just making sure. Here's $600 go treat yourself, I have to get to work. See you in class tomorrow." He says disappearing before I can give him the money back. 

I grab the money and go back to my car. I decide that I will give it back to Grayson when I see him next. I drive home, and see Matt pacing through the living room freaking out.

"Matt are you okay?" I ask. His eyes dart up at me then he wraps me in a hug. 

"You're alive. Why did you leave?"

"Gray wanted to talk. Matt what's wrong? Why are you freaking out all of a sudden?"

"I just don't like being by myself. Especially, while I am sad, and in the state I'm in. Please never leave like that again, while I am like this." He says. I nod. 

"Grayson gave me $600 to treat myself but I never spent it. I brought it home because I don't want anyone's money." I tell him truthfully.

Living With The Bad Boy//Matt RifeWhere stories live. Discover now