Chapter 2-Learning A Little About Each Other

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I wake up the next morning to loud moaning and a headboard hitting the wall. I groan knowing fuckboy is banging one of them girls next door. I found out his room and bathroom are right next to mine and I'm so excited!! NOT.

I decide that I should take a shower and go explore the city so I get up, grab my speaker, and phone then blast some music while I shower.

I blast Wolves by Selena Gomez and Marshmello. Favorite song. I sing it out loud while washing my hair. When I finish my shower I get dressed into something comfortable and something that covers my body mostly.

I chose a white crop top that shows a little cleavage, white pants to match, a pair of tannish heels and a peach colored cardigan. 

When I am dressed I shut off the music, grab my phone and keys then head downstairs towards the front door

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When I am dressed I shut off the music, grab my phone and keys then head downstairs towards the front door. As soon as I reach the door someone says something from behind me.

"You're leaving?" I turn around to see a shirtless Matt. 

"Yeah I'm going to go tour the city and grab a few feminine products." I smile. "Need anything while I'm out?" 

"Actually, I'll go with you. Need some manly things." He says.


"Wait here I'm going to go get dressed real quick." He says disappearing. I sigh and wait for him anyways. While I wait I look around the living room and notice what I didn't yesterday. 

From the floor up there's nothing but windows on one wall, then there's a patio that leads outback. You can see the city. 

Up top there's a loft, then there is a wrap around couch and 2 chairs. A coffee table sits in the middle. It's gorgeous. 

"Ready?" He asks startling me.

"Yeah. Who's car are we taking?" I ask nervously.

"Wanna take yours? Or mine." 

"I don't care. Yours?" I say.

"Works, follow me." He says. I follow him to the garage. He opens the door and there's like 6 cars just chilling. 

"Holy sheep shit." I say laughing.

"Pick one." He says. I look around. There's a Red Audi, a matte black BMW M2, a lambo, a Camaro, a mustang, and a Tesla. 

"The Audi." I say. He throws me a key ring.

"You're driving." He says.

"You just let random people drive your cars?" I ask. 

"No just you." 

"Why? You've known me a day Matt." I laugh.

"You're my roommate. Plus I've seen your car. It's nice but this is nicer. So therefore this car is also yours. Happy Birthday." He says laughing.

"My birthday was 5 months ago, but alright thanks. This a bit extreme though." I chuckle.

"Just shut up and get in." He laughs. I smile and we both get in my new Audi. 

As I drive Matt points out all the good places to shop, eat and chill. He gives me certain directions to a specific mall he likes to shop at. 

"So where you from Matt?" 

"Ohio. Small town of 4,000 people. Yourself?" 

"Manchester, Iowa. Roughly 5,000 people." I say.

"Wow, that's crazy, I'm from Columbus Ohio by the way. But we both come from small places." He says. "So what are you going to college for?"

"Fine Arts Degree. What about you?"

"Acting. I really want to be an actor." He says. 

"Nice. If you make it big time I'll be your photographer." I joke.

"That would be dope though. I think we're gonna get along." 

"God I hope so." I say. Soon it becomes silent for awhile.

"Hey Matt, I want to apologize about last night. I didn't mean to be so rude to your friends, it's just I don't have any yet, and I never had friends I was always bullied so when they were being bitches my first reaction was to be a bitch back. So if I offended you for not staying to eat last night I'm really sorry." I say. 

"It's okay. You can make it up to me later. You and I can have dinner later tonight just the two of us. Yeah?" 

"I'd like that." I smile. 

"Turn left. Then the destination will be on the right." He says. I nod and turn left. Sure enough a huge mall is to our right.

I find a parking spot close to the front then Matt and I go inside. There's people swarming the mall especially all the name brand shops. 

"Let's go to Calvin Klein. I need some new boxers." He says. I shrug and follow him. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy anything so I just look around. I find a really nice gorgeous dress, but it's $200. I walk away from it and look at other things in awe. 

I find a perfect pair of heels for $100 that would compliment the dress too. Man I hate being poor.

When I am done looking around I find Matt grabbing boxers and paying for them. I walk up to him. 

"Ready to go?" He smiles. Man that's a pretty smile.

"Yeah." I smile back.

"Find anything you liked?"

"More like loved, but yeah." I say. 

"Where is it?" 

"Well uh, the dress is $200 and the shoes are $100. Don't have that kind of money sadly." I say.

"Show me?" He questions.

"Sure." I say. I show him the dress first, then I show him the heels. 

"Those heels would compliment the dress so well. The dress would look perfect on you." He says. I look at him weirdly.

He grabs the heels and grabs the dress. He puts them on the counter and hands the girl his card.

"Matt what are you doing?" 

"I need my roommate to look ravishing for our dinner tonight. The dress and heels are yours to keep forever." He smiles grabbing them.

"First a car just randomly given to me, then you buy me a $200 dress and $100 heels. Matt I appreciate you I do." I say still confused.

Living With The Bad Boy//Matt RifeWhere stories live. Discover now