Chapter 11-Abusive?

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-3 months later-

"Good morning sis!" My little brother Jake says. I smile at my younger brother. 

"Hey Jake." I smile. Recently, I came back to Iowa to stay with my family for a bit. Jake is getting sicker and sicker by the day, they don't really know if he will make it past New Years. Currently it's Christmas break for us. 

Jake is looking iller and iller by the minute, which sucks because that's my little brother man. He's my rock for everything, and I hate watching him wither away in front of me, but he needs my family. We all need each other at this point.

I never did tell Matt about what happened because he stopped talking to me after I left. No matter what I did he just gave up on me after I moved to Grayson and Ethan's house.

After Christmas break the college dorms will be opening up but I don't know if I will be moving anytime soon, I love living with the Dolan's they are so sweet. 

Grayson actually came back to Iowa with me for moral support even though he should have gone back to New Jersey with Ethan to see his family. I'm happy that Gray chose to be there for me. All of my friends now know about my brother, and they now know why I had a panic attack three months ago. 

Matt is the only one who doesn't know, and it hurts that he won't talk to me because he is the one I want to talk to. 

"Can you and Grayson come to the park with me? I want to play in the snow before it's too late." He says. 

"Sure buddy go bundle up." I say. Even though Jake is 16, he acts like he's 5. He isn't really all there, and that's okay because I love my brother unconditionally, sick or not. 

I go back upstairs to my room to put on some warm winter clothes, then wake up Grayson who slept in my day bed. 

"Hey Gray. Jake wants us to take him to the park to play in the snow. Wanna go?" 

"Yeah sure." He says rolling out of bed. He grabs clothes then shuffles to the bathroom to change. He comes out in winter clothes smiling. I grab his hand and we walk downstairs to see Jake waiting by the door bundled up. 

"Hey Grayson!" Jake says. 

"Hey bud you ready to go?" Gray asks. Jake nods excitedly and we drive to the park. Jake is the first one out. He is running to the basketball court. He makes a snowball, then throws it at Grayson. 

I laugh but am soon nailed by a snowball thrown by Grayson. I still laugh while making snowballs and throwing them at the boys. 

"JAKE ALEXANDER WHITE! What are you doing out here?!" I hear my mom yell. I look behind me to see my parents walking towards us furious. 

"Mom, dad, it was my fault. He asked if we would bring him out here, I said yes because he may never get another chance to do this. I want to make his last days the best that I can." I say. My dad walks behind me and grabs Jake by the arm. 

"Ouch dad you're hurting me!!" He cries out. 

"Tough luck. You are in so much trouble." My dad says. Oh hell no. I push my dad off Jake then take him to Grayson's car. 

I help him in then tell him to lock the doors. "You little bitch." My dad says walking to me and punching me in the face. 

I fall to the ground blood trickling from my nose and mouth. Tears are pouring from my face in anger by this point. I stand up and kick my dad in the balls. He headbutts my nose causing more blood to fall. Grayson grabs him by the shoulders and begins to punch him.

Next thing I know my vision is getting blurry and I'm falling to the ground. 

"Rhiannon!" I hear a familiar males voice in the distance. My vision is clouded that I can't see who it is. 

"Rhi. It's me Matt. I'm here it's okay." 

That's the last thing I heard before completely going out.

Living With The Bad Boy//Matt RifeWhere stories live. Discover now