Chapter 6-Party

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Hate to tell you guys but this is the last chapter. Sorry </3 

"Why?" He asks.

"I don't know. He just forked it over like it was the easiest thing ever." I say. 

"He's rich too ya'know. $600 to him is like a $2. He's got the best recording studio in the city, his brother Ethan well he's got the best enterprises of Fashion in the country. They are only growing higher. Plus if Gray or Eth give you money they like you. ALOT. Don't try to give it back either because you'll only set yourself up for failure. They'll only give you more." Matt says. 

I sigh. "I'm grateful I am but I don't like people just handing money over. I'm not used to this lifestyle. I got a filthy rich roommate and stupid rich friends. How did I get this?" I ask.

"God knew your struggles kid. Oh by the way, we are having a huge ass party. It starts at 8. Be ready. I'm gonna get my mind off Kate because I know she's got hers off me." He says walking upstairs. 

I throw my head back in frustration. I don't wanna party. I actually wanted to go to school tomorrow. I make my way to my room so I can start working on my homework. A couple hours later music begins to start blasting through the house. I groan knowing I won't be finishing my last couple pages of work. 

I decide to just stay hidden in my room though knowing there's people downstairs. I'm super shy and have social anxiety. I lock my bedroom door so no drunks walk inside and trash it then I go to the bathroom to take a nice warm bath.

-Matt's POV-

I know I've been super nice to Rhiannon today but that's only because I was sad and needed a friend that would understand. When she held me today, I felt a weird tingly feeling that I've never felt before.

I don't know what it was or what it meant but I do not want to find out so a party is the best way I can keep my mind distracted. I'm shaken from my thoughts as Ethan and Grayson walk up to me.

"Hey bro, where's Rhiannon?" Gray asks.

"She's probably upstairs doing her homework or something. I don't know, parties aren't really her scene. She's a good girl." I say.

"Yeah she really is, but that's what makes her amazing. Did she use that money I gave her earlier?"

"Not yet. She came home confused as to why you gave her that much like it was a piece of candy. I had to explain things to her in simple terms." I say. 

"Good boy." He laughs. I shake my head. 

"Maybe you should go get her." Ethan says. "I'd like to see her." 

"Okay be right back. Drinks are in the kitchen we got food too." I say. They make their way that way while I jog upstairs to Rhi's room. I knock but don't get a response so I turn the knob. She locked it. I pull out the extra key and walk inside. 

She's not in here so I knock on her bathroom door. No answer so I cautiously walk inside. 


-Rhiannon's POV-

I sit down in my hot bubbly bath water. As I begin to relax I hear a knock on my door, but I ignore because I think I'm hearing things. I locked my door. 

The bathroom door opens slowly then I hear Matt's voice. 


"Matt how did you get into my room? I locked it." 

"Perks of keys." He says. "Can I come in?" 

"Yeah you won't see anything." I say. 

"Haven't been in this bathroom forever." He chuckles. 

"What's up? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Gray and Eth are here. They've requested to see you." He says. 

"Oh..Alright. I'll be down in 30 minutes max." I say.

"Alright Princess." He says winking. He then is gone like that. I sigh. I wash my body and hair then dry off. I go to my closet to see what I should wear. I choose whatever I can find. 

I pick black ripped skinny jeans, and a green crop top with heeled booties and then I curl my hair. 

Never have I ever dressed like this before but it's a party so.

Never have I ever dressed like this before but it's a party so

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Shoes and outfit ^^^^

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Shoes and outfit ^^^^

I look at myself knowing that's as good as I will be getting so I trudge downstairs. I look around the crowded living room seeing if I can find Matt. When my eyes do land on him he is speaking with a couple girls. 

So my eyes scan once more looking for Grayson or Ethan. My eyes find Grayson first so I make my way to him quickly. 

"Hey Gray!" I say. He turns around to look at me. His eyes widen at the sight before him.

"Hey Rhi!" He smiles. 

"Wanna drink?" He asks.

"No thanks. I'm not into the whole drinking, this is all new to me. I need to take it one step at a time." I say. 

"Fair enough."

"Where's Ethan?" I ask. Before he gets a chance to answer Ethan and Matt both show up looking at me in awe.

"Do I look that bad? All of you are wide eyed." I ask self-consciously.

"No, hell no. You look good tonight Rhi." Matt says. 

"Thanks guys." I say. 

For the next few hours I hang with them. I decided to have one small drink with the guys. 

It's still definitely not me. As the night goes on people begin leaving, the music starts to die down, and I have 3 boys passed out on my bedroom floor. All of them drunk as shit. I check the time. 

12am. Wow not a very long party at all. I go downstairs and clean the whole house then change back into the sweats Matt gave me today.

I crawl in bed next to a very drunk Grayson. I plug my phone in then begin to call it a night. 

SIKE BITCHES! You seriously think I'm gonna end it this early? Haha Nah. Love you guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Chapter 7 up soon! 

Comment below what you think so far! Message me if you have any ideas! 


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