Chapter 9-Talking With Matt Pt. 1

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-Rhiannon's POV-

I wake up in a room with bright lights and a beeping noise to my left. I look around to see Grayson, Ethan, Kate, Tamara, Lily, and DC but no Matt. The events from earlier flood back into my mind. Had a perfect day, come home Matt's throwing a party, people are fucking on my bed, I yell at Matt then I call my mom get bad news about my little brother Jake and that's all I remember.

"Grayson? Ethan?" I ask my voice low and hoarse. 

They look up quickly and hug me. "You're alright. What happened to you? Why did you have a panic attack earlier?" Gray asks softly.

"I-Uhm-I don't want to talk about it, I just I have to see if the dorms have emptied yet, because I don't want to live with Matt anymore. It's nothing against him, it's just I need space I guess." I say.

"You can stay with me then I have plenty of room. I can have someone get your things tomorrow first thing if you'd like." Grayson offers. 

"Really you would let me stay with you?" I ask.

"Of course. Anything for a friend." He smiles. 

"You're so sweet. I'll go by Matt's tomorrow to grab my things. I need to be away from him for a little while, because my mind is set to completely different goals than Matt's." I say looking at the floor. 

I feel bad for wanting to move out of Matt's place because he's done so much for me. He's done many things for me in the past few months I've lived with him. He bought me a $200 dress, $100 heels and much more. The things he bought me I will leave there so he can take them back and get his money.

I am actually beginning to fall for Matt, but I can't be with him. He's to bad for me. 

Tamara walks out of the room for a minute then comes back in with a doctor and a nurse. 

"Ms. White you're awake. How are you feeling? Your friends said you had a panic attack." He says. 

"Yeah but I'm alright. I have them every so often if I receive bad news or if I'm super stressed. It's rare honestly. I usually can calm myself down, but earlier I guess I couldn't." I say. 

"Well your vitals are good, you're looking better, so if you will sign these papers you're free to go." He says. I smile and sign the discharge papers. I decide that maybe I should go home tonight to pack then go to Gray's in the morning.

I change into the outfit I was originally wearing then everyone helps me out of the hospital.

"Grayson, I want to go home tonight. I want to talk with Matt, and pack my things. First thing tomorrow you can come by to get. If that's not to much trouble?" I say hopeful.

"Of course it's not. It might be better to talk to Matt anyways." He says. Gray drives me back to Matt's then helps me get inside. I quietly make my way upstairs after Grayson leaves the house. 

I softly knock on Matt's door. "Go away! I need to be alone Grayson." He hollers. I sigh and walk inside anyways. 

"Did I not tell you to leave me alo-" Matt turns cutting himself off. "Rhiannon." He runs to me hugging me tightly.

"I'm okay Matt. I just came by to tell you I will be here for the night to pack and talk with you. First thing in the morning Grayson will be here to help me load the car and I'll be on my way out of your hair." I say. 

"Please Rhiannon don't leave. I will do anything to keep you here. I'll stop partying, I'll get all my tattoos removed, I already removed my piercing for you. I'll go to class more, I will stop seeing other girls. Anything, I just don't want my roommate to leave me too." He begs. 

"Don't worry about me Matt. You don't need to change your appearance for me. You've done everything else for me. You don't need to put your life on hold for me Matt. Live your life, and I'll live mine. We can still remain friends and hang out as much as you want, but I have completely different goals and a completely different mindset than you. I need to be near someone who doesn't party 24/7. I'm sorry Matt but this lifestyle is just not fit for me." I say going to my room to pack. 

Matt is a good guy when he wants to be, but I don't want him to change for some simple, good girl like me. 

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