Chapter 17-Photography Project pt.1

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It's been a couple weeks since Grayson told me he loved me and I couldn't say it back. I Like him alot but I wasn't ready to say I love you back, because I don't know yet. 

He knew that since I was new to the relationship world, he was calm about it. He didn't ask me if I loved him yet, because he knew I wasn't sure yet, but he knows how much I like him. Grayson is the most understanding, and compassionate guy I have been around. 

He's a nice guy, and you know what they say about nice guys, right? They finish last. However, this nice guy finished first, because the bad boy messed up. 

Recently, Kate and Matt broke up which I mean it breaks my heart yes, but it's better that way. All they do is fight, they fizzled out a long time ago, they should have left the dead dog dead. 

Currently, I am walking to my class with Professor Wilkinson. I finally made it through whole days of college and haven't missed any since. Professor Wilk and Professor Caniff are my favorites and their classes are the best. 

Professor Caniff is my P.E. teacher. I decided that I would take a workout class so that I can stay in shape while doing everything else. Recently, I also got a job so that's cool too. 

I step into my class room which is full of guys today. A lot of the girls actually switched from this class to other classes because the rules are really strict compared to most. I can't complain though because I like certain rules. 

I do kind of get special treatment in a way because I actually turn in all of my work on time and I am always following the rules. What can I say, I'm a good girl. No shame.

"Good morning Ms. White." 

"Morning Professor Wilk." I smile.

"Okay class now that we're all here, I just wanted to let you know that we have a few more projects this semester. Your next project is taking pictures of people this time. You're going to need someone to model for you. Project is due in 2 months. I expect lots of pictures. Minimum of 50, maximum of 150. Yes that's alot but you can take multiple pictures of multiple people." He says. "You may go start your assignment."

I grab my camera as all the others walk out of the classroom. "Mr. Wilk? Could I take some of you?" I ask.

"Sure. How about tonight I meet you somewhere and we will do some pictures?" 

"Perfect. Here's my number. Just text me and tell me." I smile.

"Perfect!" He smiles back then begins grading papers. I bite my lip and sit down at my desk. I begin writing a list of people that I could possibly take pictures of. 

Grayson for sure, Ethan would definitely cooperate. Not asking Matt, could ask some random people on the street I suppose unless Gray and Eth know people. 

The bell rings so I grab my things and make my way to my next class. Math. Not a fan but I'm good at it.

I sit at my desk then my phone vibrates. 

Unknown-Meet me at the mall after school. I have a few people that will model for you also. This is Sam by the way. 

Mr. Wilk. 

R-Okay see you then!

The day goes by pretty quickly. Before I know it I'm walking to my last class with Mr. Caniff. 

"Hey Rhiannon." Mr. Caniff says. I smile.

"Hey Caniff. I have a question. Are you busy after school?" 

"No why?" 

"I have a project for Wilk's class and need models. Wanna be one too? We can meet at the mall today after school."

"Anything for you kid. See you at 4?" 

"Sure thing Caniff." I say. 

Workout class goes by really fast. I meet Gray and Eth in the parking lot waiting for me by my car.

"Hey baby." Gray says kissing me.

"Hey. I have a project for Wilk's class, so I am meeting some people at the mall. I have to have some models and I was wondering if you guys would model for me too?" I ask. 

"Of course we will! Tomorrow okay?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah sure!" I smile. I hug them both then head off to the mall. 

Mr. Wilk told me to meet him in the front entrance by the food court so that's what I do. I set up my camera when I hear loud laughing and talking. I look to my left to see Mr. Wilk, Mr. Caniff, and a group of guys around their ages. 

"You made it!" I say to them. 

"Can't have you failing now can we?" Sammy says. I chuckle. 

"True. Okay so I'm Rhiannon. I'm going to be completely blunt with you, I won't be like pro photographers and tell you how to pose or anything. You get to choose all of that. I like it when things are more natural." I say. 

"I like her Sam!" One of them says. "I'm Dillon, these ding dongs are Skate, Jack, JJ, Kenny and Swazz." 

"Nice to meet you. Shall we get started?" I ask. 

"Yes let's do this. We brought changes of clothes to make it more realistic." Taylor (Mr. Caniff) says. 

"Good. You really want me to pass." I laugh. 

"Holy shit Rhiannon?" I hear a familiar male voice. I turn around to be confronted by my oldest brother Logan. 

"Logan?" I ask. I run to my brother and hug him tightly. 

"How are you sis?" He asks. 

"Good. Just doing a project for school. You?"

"Great. Recently, transferred colleges. Was going to tell you tonight. Mom told me about Jake and how he's better. Heard you have a boyfriend too? How's that going?"

"Good good. Hey we can catch up later. You have my number. I'll call you later okay." 

"Alright sis. Love you!" 

"Love you too brat!" I laugh as he walks out of the mall. 

"Who was that?" Sammy asks.

"One of my 3 brothers." I say.

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