Chapter 26-Friendly Help

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Once they leave I am left alone in the house alone with Luke. Like I said I don't know him well, I've talked with him like twice and that was barely a conversation. I'm literally not sure what to say to him. 

I decide to sit up in the loft above the living room. I play on my laptop and try to finish this editing for Wilk's class. 

As I am working on it I feel the couch dip down beside me. "Hey what are you doing?" I hear Luke ask in a strong Australian accent.

I look at him then back to my computer. "Photography project for school. Had to take a bunch of pictures but I still need a few more, and I am stressing really bad about it because if I don't have it done by Friday I fail the whole class." I say sighing. 

He takes my laptop away from me and sets it on the table. "I'll model for you, but you need to take a deep breath. You'll pass this class. We will make sure of that okay? Go on get your things you need." He says. I nod.

"Thank you for helping me." I say smiling at him shyly as we get into his car. 

"It's no problem really. Matt cares about you more than you'll ever fucking realize Rhiannon. He doesn't want you to fail any classes anymore, so if I can do something to help my best friends crush then yeah I will." He says. His eyes widen.

"Whoops. I was not supposed to say that." He says. I giggle. 

"I totally get it, I may feel something for him. Don't tell him that, plus months ago he told me he was into me, he told me after we came back from Iowa with my family on Christmas Break. Right after Grayson and I got together." I say. 

"Well Matt, may have more than just a crush, believe me when I say this. He has never felt this for any other girl except one, but she left and broke his heart. Trust me on this, she fucked him up so bad that he's afraid to admit anything to you because he's afraid of something happening again." He says. I look at him.

"What happened?" 

"Not my place to tell you that, it's his, but know this. The bad boy image was mainly for her, because he wanted her. She left him for a bad boy." He says. 

"So his image is because he thought she would come back?" I ask.

"Mostly yes, but when you came into the picture he forgot all about her. You are changing him slowly back to the guy he used to be. So much that he has surgeries planned to get tattoos removed from his body." He says.

"Wow...I never thought I could have that much impact on another's life." I say.

"Especially on his. Matt used to be like you...A goody, til Blake. She messed him up so bad." He says. 

"Crazy...Anyways, where are we going?"

"Wherever we can find a place to take pictures. I really want you to pass this big project." He says adverting his eyes back to the road.

When we find somewhere to take pictures he grabs a small bag then we make our way to the first place he will model for me. 

"Alright, so you can do your own thing, I will not be bossing you around." I say. He nods and does his first pose. Before I know it I have all the pictures I truly need to make this project perfect. I will get a definite A.

 I will get a definite A

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Living With The Bad Boy//Matt RifeWhere stories live. Discover now