Chapter 21-First Heartbreak

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Well it's been about 2 weeks since Ethan and I came to stay with Matt. Grayson actually came by to tell Ethan that he accepts him and has apologized for being horrible to him. Their parents are working on being better towards him too.

Grayson has been much better to Ethan, and I'm glad for that. However, Grayson has been ignoring me like crazy. I've talked to him once since that day. I love Grayson, but if he wants to ignore me then we are just going to fizzle out like Matt and Kate.

"Hey hun how are you this morning?" I hear Ethan ask me. I turn around to face him. I look at the floor trying to keep the tears hidden. 

"I'm doing okay." I say. "I think we are ready to go back home with Grayson. Don't you think?" I ask looking up at him.

"I agree too. Grayson and I are becoming close again. I've also noticed how you have been getting treated lately by him. You should talk to him." He says. 

"I just don't know why I'm getting treated like this all of a sudden, but I'd much rather it be me than you sweetie." I say. 

"Don't say that. You don't deserve to be treated like this. Grayson's probably thinking you are mad at him so he's ignoring you. Come on let's go over there and you can talk to him. If nothing works out, you can always come back here." He says. I nod. 

"Alright, let's go." I say. I grab my car keys then Ethan and I head back over to the house. Matt was working so we didn't really have much else to do.

As we pull up to the house I suddenly become nervous for some reason. I follow Ethan through the front door.

"Hello Mr. Dolan, hello Ms. White. Mr. Grayson is in the pool." Our butler James says. We greet him and thank him then walk to the backyard.

There I see something that hurts me so bad that I can't even think. Grayson is in the pool having sex with another girl. I can't see her face but she looks really familiar. 

"Goddess huh? You use that for every girl?" I say. Grayson stops then him and the girl both look at me. 

"Lily? Wow your mom would be so fucking proud. You're horrible people. Grayson you were this perfect man, or so I thought. And I almost gave myself to you. I loved you so much. I believed way to much, and loved you way too hard. I took care of both of you. What a smack in the face." I say tears running down my cheeks. 

"Wait, Rhi. I'm sorry please forgive me. It's just I thought you were mad at me, and I thought we were broken up. I feel horrible for this. I didn't mean anything by it. I love you." Gray says. I scoff.

"You knew we weren't broken up, I told you that I just needed a few days away after what happened when Ethan came out. It's all good though. I can't be mad, I mean this will shape me for sure." I say walking back inside. 

I pack all of my bags then take them downstairs. I set them by the door then go up to my old room to make sure I got everything. Grayson walks in looking upset. 

"Please don't go. Don't leave me. You make me so fucking happy." He says tears pouring from his face as he gets on his knees. 

"Goodbye Grayson. I will always love you. You were my first." I say walking out of the bedroom, down the stairs, to my car, and out of his life for awhile.

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