Chapter 23-Therapy Session

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"Good morning Miss White. I am Dr. Rife. I am Matt's dad. It's nice to meet you." A guy says. I look at him. He looks like Matt but much older. 

"Hi." I say monotone. I don't want to be here. I want to be asleep right now in the safety of my bed.

"Follow me." He says. I nod and follow him while the others wait in the waiting room. We walk into an office. 

"Take a seat wherever. Get comfortable. We might be here a little bit." He smiles. I sit on the fluffy couch then he sits in a chair. 

"Alright Ms. White, Matt called me. He told me that you were having some issues. He did not go into detail but I do know he is very worried about you. My son never worries about anyone, so if he is worried you mean alot to him. Let's start at the beginning. What happened?" He asks. 

"My boyfriend at the time happened. He uh was my first boyfriend. His twin brother Ethan came out to us one day and then all of a sudden he changed. He was horrible to Ethan, he would treat him horribly, so bad that Ethan tried taking his life. If it weren't for Matt and I he would have succeeded. Anyways, one day Ethan tried getting Grayson to speak to him but he wouldn't. Every word he said to Ethan hurt me too, so I stepped in. I had a fight with Grayson that day, then Ethan and I stayed with Matt a couple weeks. Grayson and I didn't speak the whole time. No matter how hard I tried he ignored me. One day Ethan and I decided to go home so I could speak with Grayson, we got there and he was having sex with my best friend. The sight was terrible. It hurt me so bad. I felt as if I wasn't ever good enough, but if he cheated then I knew I wasn't enough. After that day I secluded myself because I didn't have the strength to do anything. I feel like I'm not good enough nor will I ever be."

"Wow. What do you feel at this point? Hurt, anger, sadness, betrayal, nothing."

"I feel betrayed, I feel hurt, I'm sad and I'm angry. I loved Grayson with everything in me. I did everything I could for that man, then I get hurt like this. My best friend Lily, I feel horribly betrayed by her. You can't cheat on someone who you claim to love, you can't betray someone who you claim as your best friend, You just don't do that." I say.

"I completely agree. Here's how I see it, Grayson and Lily have served their chapters in your life. They were meant to come and go. Not come to stay. There's many more people out there and trust me there's good men out there, they just have to find you. Greater things are coming." He says. "As for Ethan and Matt they are meant to be there for the time being."

Those words of advice are the truth. I hate to admit that, but Dr. Rife is right. Matt's father is a wise man.

"Thank you Dr. Rife. Honestly, that was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Talking about it helped a little. I will be back in a couple days." I say. 

"That sounds great!" He says shaking my hand. I step out of his office. 

My friends all look at me hopeful. I look at them with sadness. 

"You didn't speak to him did you..." Matt says looking at me. I smile widely for the first time in awhile.

"Your dad is one wise and helpful man Matt. I'll be back in a few days to see him again. Talking helped me more than I expected. Maybe, just maybe things will become easier for me. I hope." I say. I still feel a hurt inside of me but I know that I can make it. 

"My dad is a fucking wizard. Promise you this. You'll feel better when you see him a few more times. Trust me when I say this, you should probably get closure with Grayson. It hurts now and it will for a bit, but closure will help you more than you think." He says. 

"If you truly think it will help then I need to get it as soon as possible." I say. 

"He's not wrong, Get closure with Grayson then come back to see me." Dr. Rife says. I nod.

"Alright I will do that then." I say. 

"Good luck, Rhiannon." 

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