Chapter 24-Closure

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Once we were out the door everyone stops walking. I stop to look at them. "What?" I ask.

"It's a bad idea to go get closure so soon." Tamara says.

"Really? I mean 3 months is soon? Shit well when is the right time, because I think now is fine. Like if closure will help me get through this then you as my friends should want nothing more than for me to get that. Am I wrong?" I ask. 

"Yeah yeah you're right. I'll take you. Come on." Matt says. I nod. All of us get into the cars we came in then head over to Grayson's. My nerves are literally going crazy because I haven't spoke to him in 3 months. 

I deserve this, I need this. I want this. As we are let through the gate my nerves get worse. 

"Ready?" Ethan asks. I nod breathing heavily. He opens my door for me then we walk to the door. 

"Good luck." He says waiting by the car with the others. I ring the doorbell hoping James opens. 

I take a deep breath because by now my nerves are killing me. The door is opened by James. 

"Ms. White, its been a good minute. Please come in." He says letting me inside then closing the door behind me.

"How is he?"

"He seems fine. I mean if different girls every night and alcohol is the answer then yeah he's great." He says. 

"Well great. He in his room?"

"Your old room." He says walking away. I go upstairs knowing Grayson's probably either fucking another girl or drinking. Either way I am interrupting something.

I know that I need this. My friends know I need this so.

I reach the door of the room that I used to stay in before Grayson and I were a thing and when Ethan came out to us. 

I sigh but open the door. Grayson is asleep on the bed. Looking peaceful. His hair that he usually keeps up in a quiff is all over the place, his beard has grown out, his eyes are puffy, and his cheeks are stained with tears. Lily is on the other side of him sleeping too. She looks the same way.

For a moment I almost felt bad for him, and wanted to take him back. I love Grayson with all my heart I truly do.

He was my first real boyfriend even though we were just a fling.

I decide to leave him be, so I turn around to walk back to the door when his voice rings through my ears.

"Please don't go." He croaks out. I bite my lip, but turn to walk back to him. 

"Grayson we need to talk." I say looking at him trying to keep my confidence intact.

"I'm so sorry for ever hurting you Rhiannon. I love you with all my heart, I can't believe I was such an idiot. Please let me make it up to you, let me show you how I can treat you like the Queen you are. Please." He begs sitting up. Lily also sits up to look at us. 

"Please forgive us. We are so terribly sorry, we feel horrible and meant nothing by it. Promise." Lily pleads

"I'm sorry, but you did me dirty. You hurt me and that's your problem to carry. You treated me so well, and I did everything I could for you and Lily too. I feel so betrayed, I am so angry with both of you, but right here right now I'm laying it all down. I spent 3 months so hurt and depressed that I was taken from everything, cheating causes long term emotional damage, and because of you both I will never trust another soul the way I did you. My grades began failing, I began starving myself, I cut for days, I always wondered why I wasn't good enough for you. But then I realized something. It's not that I'm not good enough, It's that I'm way too good for you. This is my goodbye forever, I came here to tell you that I am getting my closure because I deserve it. I wish you both the best with your lives. Goodbye." I say standing up. 

I walk to the door tears running in a river down my face by now. I go to Matt's car where everyone is standing patiently.

Kate is the first to have me in her arms. I cry into her shoulder harder than I have ever cried. She tries to sooth me as best she can. I fell in love with someone who I thought was my King, and I was wrong. So fucking wrong.

He hurt me, but the best thing is, there's other fish in the sea. I dated a little Gold Fish. I don't need him anymore. 

I need a shark. One who will eat everything that attempts anything with me. 

I need Matt.

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