Leo pov
I see the warning somone hack in my system again and I sigh. He's back. I pull the keyboard and start building a new firewall. No matter how many time I strengthen my security system, he always manage to hack in. But he only hack in one section. Its always the CCTV.
I type a message and sent it. I should thank you for focusing on me not something else.
Will you be glad if I hack in other section and use it illegally on you.I thought you wanted my life. I type back as I instruct other hacker to trace his current location.
I do. But not today.Why is that? I play along to dictract him.
Run the new app. I text Jonathan with my phone and he know what to do next.
I had The eyes team, Jonathan, Gracie and Hector standby to hack back the moment he contact me. I have this new app to merge in the system with out alerting the other partner.
You still have many things to remember.You are right. But I will be grateful if you just tell it on my face. I keep converse with him to buy my team some times. They need to track him.
I am really disappointed. You do not remember anything.I just don't have any idea what did I need to remember. If he wants to remind me, then just come and talk to me. Why bother play this troublesome games.
Just tell me. I lost my patient.
Remember it. Remember it untill your last breath.What is this..? Just what the thing I need to remember. I just don't know what did I offence him that he wanted my life so much. Before I can type another reply, he message me again.
I wonder, would you like to have another date with me?I calm myself as I read back his message. Just state the date and place. I reply
I wait and wait but he didn't reply. Jonathan text me there are still working on it. He got excellent firewall preventing us from tracking his location.
Are you ditching me? I sent another message. I still see his presence in my system. He is still watching me.
"We got it." Jonathan crash in my office making me flinch a little.
I raise my eyebrow at him. He still panting hard to catch his breath. Then he walk toward me showing his tab. Its Phantom current location
At the same time my monitor pop up a message.
You know where to go. I am waiting.Phantom off from the system and I sigh. Shit.. he always ahead of me. He is doing that on purpose. He let them track him.
"What?" Jonathan cluessless.
"He knew we're tracking him." I sit and sigh again. This is too mind blowing.
I nod weakly. He always ahead in everything. How did he know..? I have my whole team to back me up, I have programer to set up new app, I have a company to support me, but he brush we all like nothing. Like we are just some kind of virus.
"Are you meeting him."
"I am." I grab my stuff to leave but Jonathan stop me.
"Its dangerous. He wants to kill you." His face full with concern.
I pat his shoulder and smile to ease his worry. "He'll not. I guarantee its not today."
"Sir.." He calls again but I just wave my hand to reasure him. "At lease take your gun with you."
"No need. Sent the location to me. I'm off."
I open the location and hop in my car. I follow the GPS here and there, it lead me to a building resident. I stare at it cluelessly. After a while I park the car and follow the location again and this time its stop right in front of an apartment door.
"Now what. Am I suppose to ring the bell and ask." I'm damn clueless.
So I take out my phone and run the app to message Phantom. Before I can sent my message, his message pop up.
7717Must be the door code. I key in the number and suprisingly, I'm right, the door wide open. I step inside and freeze.
This scent is familiar. The sunflower smell. The scent that I use to smell on my twenties. They said rather than a picture or video, scent that you use to have give bigger impact and generate your memory more.
Suddenly my phone ring. I look at it but its a private number. I have my hunch who its from. So I pick it up.
"Phantom." I speak seriously.
"Leo." A low and husky voice reach my hearing. I wonder if this is the real phantom.
"Finally get to hear your voice." I keep my calm attitude as I glance outside the window.
"Does this bring back your old memory?
"You need to work harder." I smirk because I know he is watching me.
"Really?" His voice turn cold.
"I know you're here. Just come out and lets meet."
"Are you giving up?"
I sigh softly as I look around the apartment. There is not much things in here. Just furniture. Nothing important.
"Or should I give you another clue?" I can sense he is trying hard to contain his anger and disappoitment.
"It will help alot."
"Look at the closet. And I'm sure you'll remember something."
I walk toward the closet. Before I open it, I try to calm my stroming heart beat. This is too nerve racking. The moment I see what inside the rectangle box, I freeze looking at it.
"You recognize this." He laugh over the phone.
Of course I recognize this. This is The eyes mission uniform. We put this on during a mission. I wear it for years before took over the company. What is this..? How did he got this..? This is the old model. The current clothing was enrich with better fabric and protection.
"You still need to work harder." Instead of admiting it, I provoke him.
"DON'T LIE..!!" He scream. I must have hit the right button. "Stop lying. You know this. You should not forget about this."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I lie confidently.
"I'll kill you." With that he end the call.
I wonder will he shoot me today..? I look at the uniform and inhale the familiar scent. I remember now. I know what my sin for him to hate and wanted to kill me.
"Forgive me Ryan."
The long contain feeling in my chest resurface and take over my calm self. 7717 is his serial number in The eyes. I should have realize it before. After all, he is my best friend.

Securing You (Little Gathering Series)
Romantik6th book of Little Gathering Series Leo D' Onniel is the successor of the most powerful security company D'onniel Force (DOF) in their city. He got advance tecnology, elite train to be CPO and perfect circle of bisness connection. He done the legal...